
Little Albert Experiment

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Classical Conditioning is a learning process that happens when two stimuli are constantly paired. The signs and response elicited by the second stimulus is randomly effected by the first stimulus alone. An example of classical conditioning is the Little Albert Experiment. After Ivan Pavlov discovered that classical conditioning applied to animals, he did an experiment to figure out if it also applied to humans. This led him to the Little Albert Experiment. Little Albert was 9 months at the time of the experiment, and he was tested with different stimuli. When he was shown a white rat, rabbit, a monkey, and a variety of masks. But, he was startled when a hammer was struck on steel behind his head. This later lead to him being afraid of the white rabbit later on in life because he was later tested by being shown the rabbit and hearing the …show more content…

After this was done 7 times for 7 weeks, every time Little Albert was shown a rat, you saw fear in his face or he would cry. In this experiment, the unconditioned response was Little Albert’s fear, the conditioned stimulus was the striking hammer and being shown the white rat, and the conditioned response was Little Albert later becoming afraid of the white rat as well as the striking noise of the hammer.
Operant conditioning is also known as instrumental conditioning and it is a type of learning where the strength of the subject’s behavior is changed or remains the same by the behavior’s consequences. In this case, consequences are both positive and negative. An example of positive reinforcement is in Skinner’s Box experiment. A rat received food as a reward for his behavior of pressing a lever. In this experiment, they keep the rat in a box, which is different from its random experiment, and in order for the rat to eat, he had

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