Assignment Component 1: Course Work Folio
Topic 1: Culture/ Youth Culture
Task: Literature Survey & Text Analysis of Youth Culture in Australia
Task 1
a) Culture is defined as the characteristics that a specific group of people ranging from language, religion, music, cuisine and social habits. There are a variety of cultures around the globe e.g. Western culture, African culture, Middle Eastern culture etc. (
b) Culture is also defined as the beliefs and practices of a particular group of people such as cultural dances, rituals etc. (
c) The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
d) The attitudes and characteristics of a particular social group. This is yet another description of culture
There are four separate meanings to explain the term ‘Culture’, each of which gives a brief definition of what culture is believed to be. Definition A) is the most refined and straightforward, definition B) is slightly less refined however it still provides the necessary information to give somewhat of an understanding. Definitions C) & D) are more complex and are written in certain context that make it complicated to understand majority of people would find that it is not straightforward and
A culture is a way of life. It can be described as a group of people who have a commonality or shared values in attitudes, customs, beliefs, ethics, and value systems (Native American Death Rituals). The main effect, or thing that makes a culture
Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Today in the United States the cukture is influenced by the many groups of people that now make up most of the country. As far as culture being limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds I don’t think so because I feel that culture depends on each individual and how they act. People from other nationality’s act in many different ways based on their
Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic,
The term “Culture" can have many varying meanings, traditionally, it is thought of as the shared beliefs, traditions, religious practices and values of an ethnic group; or the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people. Culture can also be defined as people with shared beliefs and practices: or a group of people whose shared beliefs and practices identify the particular place, class, or time (era) to which they belong. It can also be defined as the shared attitudes or particular set of attitudes that can characterize an ethnic or religious group of people. Culture is also art, music,
Culture: Culture refers to values, languages, symbols, norms, beliefs, expectations that members of a group possess and the good things they produce and use in their life. Culture is the thing that all the members of a group or society follow.
One definition of culture from the sheet “What is Culture?” is: “culture…designates what we pay attention to and what we ignore.”
Culture is a person’s way of life. It includes knowledge, language, tradition and customs. Cultures are defined through many ethic backgrounds such as African American, Asian, or Hispanic. They have so many that one person does not belong to one group. I find that our experiences and perception represent the values and decisions that are made in our lives.
Culture is what defines a specific group of people. The customs, beliefs, arts, and social institutions of a race or specific group shape the perspective of a person in that group. Culture is what is known of a group of people. This how to differentiate different people from one another other than race and ethnicity.
Culture has many definitions, but is mostly defined as a set of beliefs, behaviors, customs, and ways of life that are shared and accepted by people in a society, moreover, culture is learned. Culture has an impact on how we communicate, therefore, the way we interact and communicate with others is influenced by our particular culture in which we live.
The concept culture have some difficult meanings. One of them is culture as in music, preforming, theatre and so. The other meaning of it is culture as in Peoples Identity. It tells something about who you are, where you come from, and what you believe in, in this way, we can see that People
Culture is a way of life. It can be defined as a group of people linked by geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Culture can be reflected through language, clothing, food, behavior, spirituality and traditions. The behavioral patterns developed through culture are difficult to change.
A culture can be defined as a way of life of a group of people- their behaviors, beliefs, values that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. It also includes the customs, arts, literature, morals/values and traditions of a particular society or group (Virginia Encyclopedia). Culture can also be considered as a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in places or organizations. This topic is of huge importance to our society mainly in the state of
The term culture is described as ‘a verb’. However it is explained that culture is difficult to define as it can be associated in different ways by different people. Some people think of culture as a thing while others term it as a set of beliefs,
Culture can be defined in many ways due to the fact that everyone can have their own distinct and traditional beliefs and values. “ Culture is fluid, it is not a static entity which one takes out of the box on occasion. It is with us daily” (Cultural Handout). Someone’s culture is set as the characteristics of the group practices in language, religion, types of food, social traits and habits, and the distinct arts and music. There are a variety of different cultures for example, Western Culture, Eastern Culture, Latin Culture, Middle Eastern Culture, and African Culture. All of these different cultures have their own ideas, values, and individualism, laws that are implied, civil rights, and even technology. In our, “ Culture Handout” culture is defined as the tool of the mind, “ it is an individual’s way seeing and interacting within the world. It encompasses one’s values systems, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. Race, socio-economic class gender, sexual orientation, ability, geographic location, age, religion language, etc. all impact the formation of culture, but these various context are not culture” (Cultural Handout).
Culture can be defined as “the sum total of the beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterize human populations” or “the collective programming of the mind.