Culture has many definitions, but is mostly defined as a set of beliefs, behaviors, customs, and ways of life that are shared and accepted by people in a society, moreover, culture is learned. Culture has an impact on how we communicate, therefore, the way we interact and communicate with others is influenced by our particular culture in which we live.
My culture affects the way in which I communicate with people that I come in contact with, on a daily basis. I, like most people, live within many cultures and subcultures. The cultures that I live within and I identify with are American culture, Southern California culture, Murrieta culture, my culture as a mother, my culture at church, my culture at college, my culture within my family, my polish heritage culture and my culture with friends.
The American culture is very broad and diverse, this culture affects the way I perceive myself and many of the standards by which I live my life. Americans come in all colors, have all types of religions, and speak many languages from all over the world. Americans are extremely independent, individualistic, and like to be different from each other. In general, Americans smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, as well as sharing personal stories. The list of American social norms goes on and on and on; from the way we act and communicate at a funeral, our views on domestic violence, the way we treat the disabled, to how we view the law and the government. I feel that the American
A culture is a way of life. It can be described as a group of people who have a commonality or shared values in attitudes, customs, beliefs, ethics, and value systems (Native American Death Rituals). The main effect, or thing that makes a culture
Culture is defined as asocial heritage of a group; it influences how people communicate with each other. Also referred to as the cumulative deposit experience, values, customs often affected by religious beliefs, it varies from one community to the other, it is transmitted through language and arts, from one generation to the next.
I believe culture is the attitudes and feelings a group of people share. Culture can include practices like rituals and customs like religion. It is how you eat, drink, and speak. Culture can be either tacit or explicit. Tacit is very much like an unspoken behavior, it is something people lack words for. Explicit culture can be spoken or written. No matter what category culture falls into it truly makes us different from one another. It is everywhere shaping people all around the world every day.
A person’s culture can influence what they do on a day-to-day basis. This is most obvious in Texas, my home state. Our culture is very strong as we are always promoting companionship and friendliness to anyone and everyone.
“We don't want to be all the same but we want to understand each other.”(Taylor Swift). Everyone has a culture, some people really embrace it and some just follow it, but culture will affect everyone and the way they all have a culture but run into a problem and how they want to embrace their culture.
Culture: Culture refers to values, languages, symbols, norms, beliefs, expectations that members of a group possess and the good things they produce and use in their life. Culture is the thing that all the members of a group or society follow.
Our culture is always an interesting topic to talk about with friends, family, and even the random person you run into on the bus. With how to world is today our culture is like a big melting pot and as you grow and get married the pot continues to grow as you add more and more different ingredients into it. We tend to think that culture is just our ethnicity of what we have in our DNA, but in all reality it is way more than just our DNA. Culture is a makeup of many different aspects ranging from the language you speak, to the religion you follow, and the values your parents have installed in you from the values that were installed in them from their parents, and everything in between. There are many different ways we can go about in
Culture embodies a myriad of concepts that include customs, behaviors, core values, and beliefs which support a specific population within a community or country. Culture is a well-defined set of principles and beliefs which are strengthened by the people who represent these ideals. Each culture has its own unique and distinctive principles and engages its members as part of a group whose key ideals are aligned with its beliefs and practices.
Culture has a paramount influence in everyday day life from the way people dress to way people gather food to how someone greets others. It united group of people based on their share ideas, perceptions, and knowledge (Blanco). Although some cultures share similar aspect, some can vary differently in their customs and norms. An example would a clan known as Nacirema whose culture would be described by outsiders as extreme and sadistic. Their culture consists of unique ritual, strong believe in magical essences, but how different does it vary from the American Culture?
Culture is defined as a whole basis of knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, and customs that define a person or group of persons. Culture differs is so many ways and that culture is what defines each of person as an individual. This concept comes from the cultural that was taught and developed from after birth and through our adolescent years. Our culture is the foundation of who we are. It identifies the lifestyle and pursuits that are practiced in the group of people we interact with in our society. Culture beliefs, values, and practices are learned from birth.
According to “Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English”, culture is primarily defined as “the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people
Culture is a way of life. It can be defined as a group of people linked by geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Culture can be reflected through language, clothing, food, behavior, spirituality and traditions. The behavioral patterns developed through culture are difficult to change.
The concept of culture is something that defines many aspects of one’s life. From physical objects to different ways of thinking, culture adds significance to human life and makes groups of people distinct from one another. Culture is essentially a group of people who come together with similar interests and points of view. According to the Center for Advanced Language Acquisition of the University of Minnesota, “culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization.” From a more sociological perspective, culture is a way in which people come together in order to fulfill their needs. These shared patterns and ideas identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group.” Culture is one of the things that sets the United States apart from the rest of the world. Not that the rest of the world is not cultural, but the circumstance here is different. Many people of different cultural backroads come to this country in search of a better life. As a consequence, the United States has become a place where many cultures merge together like a colossal pot soup.
A culture can be defined as a way of life of a group of people- their behaviors, beliefs, values that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. It also includes the customs, arts, literature, morals/values and traditions of a particular society or group (Virginia Encyclopedia). Culture can also be considered as a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in places or organizations. This topic is of huge importance to our society mainly in the state of
Culture influences our expectations of what is appropriate or inappropriate and also learned and reflects the values of a society. It frames our experiences and provides us with patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling, and interacting. In summary, culture affects every prospect of daily life - how we think and feel, how we learn and teach, or what we consider to be beautiful or cross-grained. However, most people are unaware of their own culture until they experience another. In fact, we don 't regularly suppose about our culture until somebody violates a culturally-supported expectation or we find ourselves in a situation where we have the feeling that we violated somebody else 's cultural expectations, but are inconsonant how.