
Literature Review On Video Games

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Many of us have played various games on our phones, tablets, computers, or any type of video game console. There have been discussions of video games having a negative effect on players. The article, A literature review of research on video games, perception, and identity, is describing how video game literature has withdrawn analyzing and focusing on violence and other effects of video game play. Also, the topic has developed into a debate in psychology since their violent content became politicized amongst congressional hearings in the 1990s. In addition, this review of research on video games has shown or advised that over a long period of time, increased exposure and frequent gameplay has a large effect on three crucial themes, which are attachment and empathy, identification, and gender roles (Falcon). With prior studies and past practical research, this literature review analyzes major topics and issues in video game research above and beyond matters concerning violent content (Falcon).
Moreover, the research goes into each of the three key points, attachment and empathy, identification, and gender roles. The first point, attachment and empathy, explains how a player can get attached to their avatar. It has been said that personality and motivation relative to the physical, social, and the task attractiveness of virtual characters pertain to the fondness towards virtual characters, examined by Coulson, Barnett, Ferguson, and Gould. Furthermore, it has been researched

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