
Literary Criticism Of Dwight Eddins 'The Myth Of Sisyphus'

Decent Essays

In his literary criticism of “The Old Man and the Sea,” Dwight Eddins argues that Hemingway’s novel ethic and earth-bound metaphysic is highlighted in Albert Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus.” In Camus’s novel “The Myth of Sisyphus,”, Camus analyzes Sisyphus’ lucid struggle against cosmic absurdity and its futility; the parallels between Santiago and Sisyphus’ doomed struggle against meaninglessness depict both as absurd heros. Eddins’ argument of the relevance of Camus’s work to Hemmingway’s is delineated in the Santiago and Sisyphus’s similarities. Both are lone men who are ,”engaged in an isolated, repetitive struggle that must end in defeat.” (2). Only their stubborn spirit and determination drives them despite their unforgiving environment.

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