
Literacy Case Study Essay

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Literacy Case Study This Literacy Case Study assesses the understanding and fluency of a fifth grade female student enrolled in one of Alaska’s rural village schools. The participant is an ELL student, with Yupik being her original language. I will discuss within this case study the participant, her prior assessment data, and the assessments I will administer, along with the results and the recommendations for the individual. Finally, I will reflect on both the participant and the professional practice I gained from this experience. This study is meant to analyze the literary progress of the participant at this moment in time, along with provide recommendations to assist in improving on the student’s progress and understanding.
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• Second Guided Reading Lesson with Retelling
While administering these assessments I required these materials: several passages of different text, graphic organizers for both summaries and retellings, pencils and lined paper.
Based on the reading inventory that P.C. completed, I chose passages of text based on the interest she showed in various topics. The majority of the passages chosen involved nature or animals in assorted situations. During the 1st Fluency Test, P.C. read a fifth grade reading passage and scored an accuracy rate of 98%. She was consistent in her reading, and was able to read aloud a longer passage during her retelling, but received a rate of 98% accuracy again during her second try. However, the amount of words read was still low with her high score being 94 correctly read. This puts P.C. in the 25-percentile of the Oral Reading Fluency Norms, for Grades 2-5 as shown in Figure 1. After completing the second fluency test, P.C. received an accuracy rating of 94% with a retell, or second try, accuracy rate of 98%. During the retell P.C. was able to accurately read 115 words with 2 errors, this can be seen in Graph 1 below. While P.C.’s words correctly read score is still below the Fluency Norms for the 50-percentile, P.C. still showed improvement above the 25-percentile range for

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