
Literacy Assignment

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Throughout the year’s technology has increasingly become a factor of children’s daily routines. Smartphone and tablets are common examples of technology that are exposed to children from an early age. There are multiple applications on smartphones and tablets for enhancing a child’s education and learning experience. The application that was chosen for literacy enhancement is called Homer Learn to Read program. This program contains multiple features which are discussed in this assignment. The three areas in literacy discussed on the Homer program is phonics-letter sounds, vocabulary, and sight words. Although only three areas are discussed in this assignment this program covers other areas in literacy. Questions to consider when reviewing …show more content…

The program introduces the basics of learning how to read and gradually advances children to higher learning opportunities with scaffolding. Educators can use the application in pre-kindergarten to second grade classrooms. There is an opportunity for higher grade level students who are learning English and/or struggling overall in literacy to benefit from this program. This program is also excellent for 1st and 2nd-grade history and science lessons. For example, if an educator has a lesson on George Washington they can incorporate this application into their lesson plan. This application along with other available applications in literacy can assist in learning and understanding especially for children who have difficulty in literacy. All applications possess advantages and disadvantages in using tablets to enhance literacy learning in the classroom. According to the article “Exploring the Use of iPads” on page 22 an example, of an advantage they stated, is students can use their prior knowledge to navigator through the application without a lot of instructions from the teacher and a disadvantage is manipulation in an application, for example, changing the font size. Overall using tablets for literacy enhancement can improve a child’s learning with proper planning and use of the application in a lesson plan. For parents, it is an excellent tool, for extra learning and acts as a tutor for students to improve their literacy skills at

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