
Lincoln Role Movie

Decent Essays

This movie is epic, it is two and half-hour long. Watching the film you would not measurer the time actually I did not feel like two and half-hours. Steven Spielberg is the director of his movie and Daniel Day- Lewis is in Lincoln Role. Tommy Lee Joes who represent the role of radical abolitionist and other character that play fantastic role in this movie. This film primarily focuses to the historical events that took place between the end of civil war and the passing of 13th Amendment. Lincoln wanted the 13th Amendment to pass, how he got it pass and how he was able to bring the civil war to the end.
First, in the opening of the movie, we see a battle that give a sense of brutality, the brutality was there to show the shocking realty of civil war. However, the purpose of the movie is to show the loop of inequality and injustice that have very tragic consequences and shaped the structure of the inequality in American societies on the earlier time. In addition, it approve the idea that blacks and whites had equal rights. As Lincoln says, “Slavery, sir, is done.” It is very simple idea to accepted now, but back then it took 150 years prove. …show more content…

President Lincoln concentrate on that on his uproarious last four months of his office and constantly struggle to pass the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which would terminate the horrors of slavery forever. It was all about the house vote. Since Lincoln needed, the votes and the members will soon be in need of employment. Lincoln sees this as a tool and he used it to his advantage. Lincoln authorize an agent to go and contacting Democratic congressional representatives with offers of federal jobs in exchange for their voting in favor of the 13th Amendment. His agent was able to convince the Democrats to vote in favor of the 13th Amendment and Lincoln was able to pass the 13th Amendment on the

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