
Lightening Research Paper

Decent Essays

A lightening rod is a a metal rod that is used to attract lightening. Lightening rods keep dangerous strikes of lightening from hitting other objects or people. The lightening will hit the lightening rod, the electricity from the lightening will then travel down the rod, pass through wires and then disburse into the ground. The purpose of this system is to prevent damage and even death during lightening strikes.

As Christians, Why Do We Need A Lightening Rod?

Life can be hard.

People can hurt us. Deeply.

Situations can gravely disappoint us.

God allows the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. It is part of His plan to mold us into what He originally created us to be.

There are several verses in the Bible that speak of what our …show more content…

Anger, bitterness, frustration, doubt, pain, insecurities: all can be left behind as smoldering ashes from the fire caused by that "lightening strike" or painful situation caused by others.

As Christians, we need to have someone in our lives that keep us grounded. So that when hard times come, the damage is less, because it doesn't stop inside of us causing a great massacre of who we are. When we have a lightening rod, the damage flows through us and out of us.

When something bad happens, what is the first things we do?

Call up a friend or two and talk about it? Me. This is me raising my hand.

Even tho my friends are Christians and always point me back to Christ and the Bible, I still turn to them before I take it to God.

I am wrong. That is wrong of me.

Only God, the God of the Bible, can ground out my storm. He is the only one that can help me, guide me and heal me when those "lightening strikes" of life …show more content…

Did you see my earlier post on how coffee was first in my life?

When we are hurting, we leak. We are leaking emotionally all over the place. People can tell on our faces and demeanor that something is wrong.

When someone has hurt us and we share that issue with our friends, Facebook, Twitter, and even our women's ministry group that is called gossiping.

What if it is in the form of a prayer request? What if I go up to a friend and say "I need you to pray for my boss.". Of course, that opens the floor for more details to be asked of me. Which may lead the way to me leaking my emotional pain and anger all over the place.

If we are not going to God first, it's gossip.

Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down." Proverbs 26:20

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those that hear." Ephesians 4:29

I'm not saying we can not have friends that help us during those hard times in life. I most certainly believe that God will perfectly orchestrate the right women to come in to our lives to help us, comfort us and point us back to

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