
Light And Dark Imagery In Romeo And Juliet

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The calamitous love story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about a redemptive, passionate love that takes place between Romeo a Montague and Juliet a Capulet who are heirs of these two foes. The story of the “star cross’d” lovers uses many contrasts and oppositions to create tension which causes anticipation in the audience.The continuous use of light and dark imagery, the polarity of fortune and choice as well as the comparisons between love and hate create an illustrious understanding of the plot. The term imagery is defined as a vivid and descriptive language that adds depth to literature and it deepens the reader's understanding of the text. In this play, Shakespeare uses many types of imagery throughout his work but a paramount one he uses is light and dark imagery. Contrasts between light and dark are used to show the audience the story takes place in a four-day time period. Also, this imagery shows the viewers that the love between Romeo and Juliet is true, pure and divine. In Act Ⅲ Juliet who is deeply in love with her new husband uses light imagery to describe Romeo. Juliet states ”When I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun” (Ⅲ.ⅱ.21-25). Most people refer to the night as evil and the light as good. In Romeo and Juliet’s situation, their light mostly shines in the dark. They can only be together at night

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