Less than 6 months before his assassination, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this to a superfluity of tenagers in a Junior High School in Pennsylvania “What is Your Life’s Blueprint”? In his speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talks about the three fundamental things needed in a life’s blueprint. He describes how your life’s blueprint should be based on the belief of your own dignity. Also, he mentions that there should be determination to achieve the goals you have set out for, and there should be a commitment to the eternal principles of justice, beauty and love. As for me, I do not have a set blueprint yet. However, I have some ideas about how I hope my future will unwind. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave an impactful speech on having a blueprint set for our future since it is a guideline to use to stay focus on our goals. During his speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., told the students three key elements that had to be included in their blueprint. To start, he said one of the most important things is to believe in yourself. “Number one in your life’s blueprint should be a deep belief in …show more content…
I know for sure that when my blueprint is finalized, I am going to have the key elements Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted me to have. One of the most important things in my current blueprint is to graduate with honors and get into a good college. I also definitely know that I want to go to an out of state university. My career choice is still being decided, I want to be either a crime lawyer or an elementary teacher. This are two very different careers, but both métiers showcase my passions. However, with whichever occupation I choose I will work hard to do the best I can do. When I am older and have a stable job, I want to travel the world, I want to visit at least 3 countries in every continent and at least 5 islands. To do all of the things I want to do, I have to work very hard, be determined, committed, and believe in
Through experiencing social injustices, and making myself more culturally aware of inequality amongst social classes, I believe I have cultivated the leadership skills necessary for success. My willingness to reach out to the environment beyond me has exposed me to a career path that excites me and is my true passion. I plan to take action to improve the lives of the defenseless and those who are politically and socially disadvantaged. Through utilizing what I have learned by dedicating my time to service I know that I will truly make an impact on the lives of the helpless. During my years attending university I plan to continue a rigorous course load focused on a career path that truly intrigues me. I also plan on continuing to dedicate my free time to service and philanthropy. Overall, I have dedicated my high school career to becoming a leader in and out of the classroom. I hope that by attending University of Texas-Austin I will be able to utilize the resources provided to become a leader prepared to make worldwide change, continue on a path of academic achievement, and create a successful future not only for myself, but for those in generations to come as
Martin Luther King Jr in his speech “I Have a Dream” furthers his purpose of demonstrating himself as a leader to his community in regard to fighting against slavery and segregation by effectively employing pathos, logos and ethos.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist and first hand witness of mistreatment of African Americans from the mid-1950s until April 4, 1968 when he was assassinated. He was a black man who grew up during a time of segregation and injustice. King Jr. came from a loving and structured home in which his father was an influential role model and a had a big impact on his future professions. Religion was also a large part of his life and was one of the biggest influences for his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. In this contextual analysis I will be summarizing the historical context of King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech” and how it impacted his social standing and life's work. I will be exploring how Martin Luther King Jr.’s upbringing set the stage for his civil rights activism involvement and allowed him to become one of the most famous African Americans in the twentieth century.
It takes great determination to achieve great goals. Determination is like a freight train, it takes a great force to get it started, but once it gets going, anything that stands in its tracks will be forced out of its way. Likewise, for a train to stop it takes a long time and a lot of effort, that is why they just keep on going until they reach their destination. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew this concept well. In 1963, King wrote the “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Determined to destroy the injustice of racism in America, he set out with the goal of reaching his destination. His undying will eventually landed him in a jail cell, but that did not stop him, he kept going and forced the obstacle aside. From the jail cell, he wrote this letter. In his letter, he talks about many different solutions that our nation could use to resolve the problem. Committed to solve injustice no matter what came his way, Reverend King showed his determination in this letter using the three common rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos.
Academically, I want to make the most of the incredible opportunity of receiving a higher education; however, I also hope to grow and develop as an individual. I will be also be joining the men's soccer team at Wofford College, which will present additional challenges as well as opportunities. College will undoubtedly present a plethora of new experiences and open a number of new doors and opportunities. I want to soak it all in and make the most of every minute. My ultimate dream is to work in a career that I feel passionate about. Ensuring that I feel strongly about my work is very important to me and I believe it is pivotal to maximizing my potential contribution to society. My greatest interest and passion currently lies in learning and better understanding politics, economics, sociology, and other social sciences. A career in public service is where I believe I can thrive and flourish. Whether it be in education, economics, healthcare, or any other outlet, I have no doubt public service is where I belong. Throughout my life, I have constantly looked to fulfill positions of leadership and I plan on continuing to do so in my professional life. As my generation becomes the leaders of America's future, I hope to be a leading figure that can assist in moving us in a promising
Few more influential words have been spoken than those uttered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s, “I have a dream,” speech. Perhaps one of the most famous and paradigm shifting speeches in all of history, Dr. King’s was spoken with candor, authenticity, fervor, and an enormous amount of tact. With his incredible intelligence and eloquence as a doctorate in Theological Studies, his establishment as such a respected leader, and his fervor and charisma in delivering the speech, Dr. King effectively established Logos, Ethos and most importantly, Pathos in what he proclaimed would, “go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.”
Martin Luther King Jr. was an amazing speaker and he wrote the “I Have A Dream” speech. Martin Luther King, J.R. was born January 15, 1929 and died April 4, 1968. He was an American Christian minister, activist, and political philosopher. He was also one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement. On August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered this speech with the purpose of making all Americans aware of the racial inequality that’s happening in the U.S, effectively arguing for African American rights, using ethos, pathos, and logos.
In Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King Jr. joyfully walks to church with his family. His father, a minister, complements how well he is doing in school. From an early age he was influenced by religious aspects in his community and this is what encouraged him to become a leader through his peers. Martin begins to daydream about his future, knowing he will be able to make a difference in whatever he choses to do. He knew that there would be challenges in whatever he chose to do, but he just has to “keep moving foward” no matter what the obstacles he faced.
My College and Career goals include graduating college and getting a job. I wish to attend the University of Alabama. I plan to major in occupational therapy or speech therapy. After I graduate with my bachelor's degree I wish to get my master's degree. After I finish my schooling I want to receive a job that allows me to provide for my family. I wish to receive this job in my degree's field. After receiving this job I wish to improve to reach a leadership role.
There are many many careers to choose from in this world. Not all are for me though. There are three careers that I would consider doing. The most unlikely one is to play football professionally. Second is be a sports PT. Lastly I would like to be a banker.
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools” A quote by a legacy named Martin Luther King Jr. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, born into a Christian and raised in a Baptist church. As he grew up he was very intelligent,skipping 9th and 12th grade and started college at the age of 15. He attended many colleges but later on get his Doctorate degree at Boston University. King later got married and became the proud parent of 4 children. Getting older he saw discrimination everywhere, He decided that it had to stop. In 1954 He became an important leader and activist in the Civil Rights Movement. So in this essay I’ll be explaining how he was important and some facts about
Alchemy was a turning point in the field of science during the Middle Ages, and paved the way for many of the greatest scientists in history, including Albert Einstein. Contrary to popular belief, alchemy is not just about “science,” but also about humans spiritually and mentally. Alchemy may have been lost over the course of many centuries, but it is still very much alive in our society today, through our relationships with other people and within ourselves. Robert of Chester’s translations of Arabic alchemical books allowed for the spread of alchemy throughout Europe beginning in 1200.
“It turned out that being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to me,” said Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was a successful, college dropout. In his speech How to Live Before You Die he explains his journey to success. Steve gave his speech to the graduating class of 2005 from Stanford College. Throughout his speech, he uses trust, emotion, and facts to persuade the grads to find what they love and pursuit it.
Everyone must make a choice, once they reach a certain age, that will determine everything in their life. My dream job is to become an electrical engineer one day because I find interest in circuits and building electronic devices. When I was a young boy my dream not to be an electric engineer but something more along the lines of being a cook; however, that dream was short lived because my interest of being able to cook changed over as I got older and became interested in electronics. The way electronics work is simply amusing to me because I could not understand how the devices were operating, and honestly I still may not understand how these devices actually work. My backup plan for my future career would have to be becoming a
My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the common doubts of “Am I doing this right?”, or even the occasional midnight philosophical questions such as “Why are we here?”, and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the factors that have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a visualization of my future.