| Life Styles Inventory | | | | 11/1/2010 | GM591 Leadership & Organizational Behavior | CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is L. Neal. I was very eager to complete my LSI Survey because I was very curious what my results would be. I know how I am as an individual, and seeing the results of my survey only proves that you learn something about yourself every day. My results were quite interesting to say the least. Learning the meanings of the different life styles showed me that I have more characteristics in areas I never thought of. I hope you enjoy reading about me as much as I enjoyed learning about myself. Humanistic is when you are thoughtful, supportive of others and respectful. This …show more content…
If they know you are looking to receive help from them, the ball is always in their court. This would explain why some people have problems with controlling managers. For example, you have an employee who is self reliant and needs minimum supervision; a controlling manager may find that to be threatening. They may feel like you are not recognizing their authority or they may feel at risk of losing their job to you. Avoidance is to take few chances on things, has a difficult time being accepted by others and lacks self-confidence. I scored in the medium range and this means that I’m not afraid to make decisions, but I’m not very aggressive at doing it either. Sometimes I second guess myself only because I want to do it right the first time. I’m not afraid of a challenge, and certainly not perfect, but I tend to dissect things more than I should. To improve in this life style, I will have to build up a little more confidence when making mistakes and learning from them would improve this life style for me. To be oppositional is when someone complains a lot, has a negative attitude and is critical to others. Again, my humanistic score helps balance this style. I scored in the middle because I can give constructive criticism without making someone feeling worthless. I don’t need to put someone else down to make myself feel great. When people feel you are honest with them, they respect you more. Power is when a person has to control
The life styles inventory is a survey of questions that help us to gain an insight into our own personality and what type of behaviors we exert to others as individuals. It helps us to look at the positive and negative qualities of our personalities and ways to improve upon them. A look at my LSI styles complex radiates that my primary thinking style is linked to the avoidance category. The avoidance scale states that I tend to use the strategy of withdrawal by hiding my feelings and being shy to express myself. It also states that as things become more threatening to me the more I tend to avoid those situations. These thinking styles are linked to feelings of denying responsibility for my own
Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles? These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is a tool to help answer these questions and develop a plan to address. It is “a survey that measures the connection between thinking and behaving and its impact on performance. It is used to identify a person’s strengths and improvement areas focusing on beliefs, values, behaviors and assumptions about yourself” (Human Synergistics International, 2016). Upon completion of the assessment, it offers suggestions on how to modify individual styles to benefit the individual, the team, and their organization. This narrative is an analysis of my results, how these styles are manifested in my life, and what actions I plan to take improve my behaviors.
Complete (on your own) the LSI according to the procedure outlined here, so that you end up with your "Life Styles Circumplex" profile: 12 "personal thinking style" scores, one score for each section of the circumplex.
After taking the four surveys, I have a better understanding of myself. The surveys help me decide which track I should head toward in the future as well as which part of my personality I should improve.
Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The system provides a "road map" to properly focus [their] personal development goals and keep [them] headed in the direction [that they] want to go (Lafferty, 2014).
The life Styles Inventory (LSI) is developed by Dr. J. Clayton Lafferty. LSI are measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The 12 styles measures by LSI are organized into three general clusters: Constructive, Passive/Defensive, Aggressive/Defensive. Research has shown that the styles measures by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational level, individual health and well being, and organization culture.
The original International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) focused on Goldberg’s 100-adjective markers of the psycholexical FFM structure (Goldberg, 1990/1992). The current IPIP-50 is a 50-item prototype public domain (the NEO-PI-R is a commercial questionnaire) personality questionnaire (Goldberg et al., 2006; Goldberg, 2011). Since the questionnaire is free of charge over 600 different studies have employed it (Goldberg, 2016). Until 2005 the IPIP big-five factor markers lacked validating evidence, but research conducted in 2005 found that the IPIP-50 had a high internal consistency and related strongly to both Costa and McCrae’s NEO-FFI and Eysenck’s EPQ-R Short Form (Gow et al., 2005). In addition, Gow et al. (2005) found that although Intellect and Openness related less strong, it was still 0.59. A study carried out in New Zealand found that there was hardly any evidence to suggest hidden biases at the item or scale level of the IPIP-50 (Guenole & Chernyshenko, 2005). Before looking at the research examining the relation between the FFM and EI, this literature review first presents some of the current findings in EI.
My “primary” personal thinking style as shown in my circumplex is The Humanistic-Encouraging Style. This style means that I am “accepting of myself, and accept others for who they are without question or criticism” (Human 2010). Humanistic-Encouraging individuals believe they can “assist others in fulfilling their potential by providing a supportive climate that inspires self-improvement” (Human 2010). I believe that this very accurate summation of myself. This can easily be seen at my previous job as a waiter. I was often asked to train new employees because I was considered sensitive to people 's needs, and was willing to devote energy to counseling and coaching others. I also consider this style accurate about
Individuals with avoidant personality disorder fear that others will reject them, that they will fail, and that others will criticize their efforts (Funder, 2013). Further exasperating the issue and causing them to avoid
They are sensitive to when they believe they are being treated fairly or not, yet they treat others
There is a truth that you must face in order to realize Next Level Achievement: your natural instinct of fear will keep you from achieving every time...if you allow it. We all have a basic fear of risks and the unknown. This response is natural, yet absolutely counterproductive to achievement.
I am fear of failure, fear of speaking in public. However, as I am getting quieter, I am more hesitant. My friend said that I was a cautious person, but I knew it was the behavior of lacking confidence and lacking passion which formed the vicious circle. Even though I try to change by being more outgoing to solve this problem, the inferiority always let me miss opportunities again and again. Adler wrote people who wanted to escape from difficulties would lagging behind others.
Question: Do managers have the right to seek control over their employees? Does anyone, for that matter, have their right to control others? Does control imply manipulation? And if so, is there anything wrong with managers manipulating employees through goal setting or other motivational
Outgoing and spontaneous, or level headed and reserved: these are ways in which people identify the others surrounding them every day. These personality indicators may seem easy to distinguish; however, at times, finding one’s own personality type can be difficult. In the early 1900s, a Swedish psychologist named Carl Jung introduced the idea of categorizing personalities into identifiable types (Boeree). By investigating the subconscious, Jung was able to classify personality types that have certain characteristics in common. This became known as typology (Boeree; TheFreeDictionary.com). Several years later, Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs-Myers, took Jung’s typology to the next level. Together they separated
I learned plenty of things from my results. My values-which I didn't see clearly-are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,