My result Life Styles Inventory (LSI) paper
September 9, 2013 The life Styles Inventory (LSI) is developed by Dr. J. Clayton Lafferty. LSI are measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The 12 styles measures by LSI are organized into three general clusters: Constructive, Passive/Defensive, Aggressive/Defensive. Research has shown that the styles measures by the LSI are related to a number of indicators of effectiveness and success, including leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, problem solving effectiveness, quality of interpersonal relations, salary, organizational level, individual health and well being, and organization culture.
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For me, I think that competitive thinking style is not to be descriptive me. I always do the best with my job and task but I didn’t focus on to be winning. I do accept my colleagues work, I am not the person who will say no or disagree too much. I plan to achieve my goal but I didn’t think to be number one. This thinking style seems cannot explain me.
Next, my backup personal thinking is Approval style, passive/defensive cluster, is about people sets goals that please others, support those with the most authority, agrees with everyone, and reluctantly deals with conflict. I totally agree with this score. According to LSI result, the approval scale measures our need to be accepted by others to increase or sustain our feeling of self-worth. I think dependent and approval styles both are similar to explain me. I like to work many people but I will be a good listener. This might be cause from I don’t like to read since I was young until now. I want to change myself to be a good reader, so, I might have more knowledge to discuss, suggest, and participate with others people.
The one style that might be working against me and reducing my overall effectiveness would be the Humanistic-Encouraging. I like to work and share story with people but for this style I think I don’t have too much power to encourage people believe what I say or what I think. I can be an advisor for who has a problem but I don’t know after I talked with them my advice with help them or not. My score
Each of the LGA areas we visited expressed a very different trend to each other. Although within a region, the traits were all heavily related expressing the socio-economic status of the region.
Developing this teaching style does require time and the incorporation of different teaching strategies as well as being able to assess what is effective in my teaching, ensuring that the learners are
My score for “aggressive/defensive style” which includes escalator, dominator, competitor, and perfectionist ranked medium/low. The escalator style I scored in the 97th percentile. I wasn’t surprised at my ranking in this field. Growing up I was spoiled as a child and I always got what I wanted. When conflicts do arise I always get very upset at first and think it’s a personal attack against me. It does have affect on my personal relationship with my boyfriend when we get into arguments. I always try to find a way to turn the argument around to make myself look good but I know this is unfortunately self defeating. I know this is probably my biggest downfall among other but I know I can improve on this in order to become successful. I didn’t score to low in the competitor field. I do see winning as an opportunity for growth and development in the business world. In my eyes, winning shows a since of respect and people will get
In order to formally assess John, I would choose to use the Level of Service Inventory – Revised (LSI-R) as it is a measure of general criminal behavior, including all violent and nonviolent offenses. Because John has multiple counts of Sales of Narcotics and one count of Assault on a Police Officer, it is important to consider general reoffending and not just general violence. The LSI-R is an actuarial measure that is widely used to predict general recidivism and is often found useful in jail, prison, and re-entry settings.
Identifying my learning style has allowed me to make more effective decision in choosing learning strategies. By identifying my personality type has helped me evaluate the way I react to people and situations. There are two assessments available to help figure out your learning style and personality. The first is Multiple Pathways to Learning which is based on Professor Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory that focuses on peoples learning strengths and preferences. The second is The Personality Spectrum based on the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory which identifies which personality
The life styles inventory is a survey of questions that help us to gain an insight into our own personality and what type of behaviors we exert to others as individuals. It helps us to look at the positive and negative qualities of our personalities and ways to improve upon them. A look at my LSI styles complex radiates that my primary thinking style is linked to the avoidance category. The avoidance scale states that I tend to use the strategy of withdrawal by hiding my feelings and being shy to express myself. It also states that as things become more threatening to me the more I tend to avoid those situations. These thinking styles are linked to feelings of denying responsibility for my own
I agree with this, I confront my issues at hand. Organization is common in this paper, with it being in my personality assessment as well. I follow the rules, and attempt to reach my aspirations in a timely manner of doing so in a precise way. I am quite sociable, I have found this to be an excellent personality trait to have. By getting along with everyone in my surroundings, and being able to create conversations, this has positively impacted the choices I have made by others influences and opinions.
The theory behind this test has helped me understand more about myself in terms of fitting in within a group environment. I found that I would fit best within the roles of gatekeeper and harmonizer, which aren't surprising. "According to self-assessment feedback on personality, the key motivation that drives my behavior is to be respected, to be academically qualified, and to
The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a sophisticated assessment developed to not only measure personality but also to predict how people will react in different situation. It is a more indepth version of MBTI. The purpose of this test is to provide a portrait of both personal and work related characteristics. It is a self-report inventory, and a personality assessment. It is empirically derived by test taker’s drives, motivations, interpersonal style, and ways of leading. CPI used common factors that are easier to be understood by test takers to measure their interpersonal skills, self-management skills, motivation and thinking styles, and personal characteristics. Your CPI report is divided into four parts, however, we will only discuss the first, second and the last part of the result in the report.
My primary thinking style is dependent. This style fell into the high range of the LSI Style Circumplex with a 96 percentile score. Dependent thinking style is originates in a need for security and self-protection: dependent people typically feel that they have very little control over their lives. This type of behavior may be long-standing, or due to temporary life changes such as a new job, a promotion, an illness, or the break-up of a close relationship. When dependent behavior occurs as a result of a temporary life change, the feelings of dependency tend to diminish as the particular situation is resolved. I feel that the result for dependent style is that the dependent person tend to feel
After finishing the LSI Style Interpretation for this class I was identified as have the humanistic- encouraging style as my top style with a score of 38 which placed me in the top 93 percent of persons who took the interpretation. My second top style was the affiliative style in which I scored 37 and placed in the top 90 percent of persons who took the interpretation. After contemplating my work / leadership style(s) and comparing how I interact with co- workers and subordinates, I agree with the results and will further discuss my reasoning in this paper.
Other forms of leadership styles that are known to exist derive from the Leadership Style Inventory (LSI) developed by Rowe, Reardon, and Bennis (1995). The inventory identifies four basic styles; commanding, logical, inspirational and supportive. The differences in style used by leaders are based on the following two questions: How adaptive are leaders when dealing with the issues they face? How do leaders communicate with, persuade, and energize employees in the process of change?
There are multiple theories of personality and leadership assessments that have proven effective in helping individuals achieve their full career potential. The “Big Five” theory of personality, for example, measures the five broad areas of personality, including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience (Srivastava, 2015). Other types of assessments, such as the more simple leadership assessment we explored, simply measure leadership qualities, such as emotional intelligence and confidence. In exploring a couple of such resources in more depth, such as the leadership assessment provided by the University of Kent’s Career Enhancement Center, as well as the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, it is clear that understanding more about oneself can lead to enhanced career choices.
Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that can be found among many Americans, reaching roughly three percent of adults and eleven percent of adolescents living in the United States. Other forms of less severe depression affect about ten percent of adult Americans. Women are more likely to be affected by this disorder than men, and women in their 30’s are also more likely to be affected than women of any other age group. In the criminal justice world, many adults who are put in prison or commit violent crimes suffer from a mental illness. Prison conditions aren’t like staying in a five star hotel by any means. Contact with people outside the prison is dependent on behavior of inmates, and the cells only meet the
leadership styles and its sub-scales have a significant role in job satisfaction. These results were consistencewith previous research results that doing in this field.