
Life Of Pi By Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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There was once a man who was driving around in the winter, he lost control of his car and went into a ditch. He awoke to find himself alone in the car with no gas station for miles. He made the decision to start walking, he walked for 2 miles when he came up on a truck. He assumed the owner was hunting as they were in a prime hunting spot. The man peeked inside the truck to find lots of food and warm clothes. If the man broke into the truck and ate the food and put the clothes on should he could get in trouble. He was in a very dangerous life or death situation. This is the question: Should he get in trouble for trying to save his own life? If humans are in life or death situations, they should be able to do whatever is needed to keep themselves alive. In Life Of Pi by Yann Martel, Richard Parker, and Pi go on a very tough journey all over the ocean with only a lifeboat, and a limited supply of food, and water. They started out with multiple animals on the boat they but only one survived. Richard Parker was the highest on the food chain on the boat. Richard quickly ate the Hyena, Zebra, and the Orangutan. Bengal Tigers have a very large appetite. So, he soon ran out of food after he ate all of the other animals. Therefore, to save his own life Pi started to catch fish for both of them to eat. When this story took place Bengal Tigers were very endangered. Pi was starved, if he killed Richard Parker should he get in trouble? Even though tigers were endangered, and

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