
Life In Michael Hamill's Snow In August

Good Essays

Wake up. Bald man using a flashlight checking your eyes, noises coming from every direction. Third floor at Brooklyn Wesleyan Hospital. Opening up your eyes to see in front of you, the woman who has been by you your entire life. Doctors saying “bruised ribs, a fractured bone in the lower leg, multiple contusions and some loose teeth” (236). Realizing this isn’t a dream. This is real. Remembering everything that happened. Being called a “Jew Lover” to getting hit with a billy club. Waking up in the hospital was one of the scariest things for Michael Devlin. In the book, Snow In August by Pete Hamill, Michael is an 11-year-old boy living in Brooklyn in 1946. After building a relationship with Rabbi Hirsch, Michael has a close connection with the synagogue. He learns about Rabbi Hirsch’s life and more about Judaism. Michael’s …show more content…

Michaels personality leads him to be curious about Rabbi Hirsch and his life in Prague.
Michael learns about Judaism and what life is like being a Jew by listening to Rabbi Hirsch’s background on Prague. Rabbi Hirsch teaches Michael about Shabbat. Rabbi Hirsch says, “That’s the rules. A Jew like me, he can’t work on Shabbos. Is the rule. Some Jews, nine days a week they work. Me, I’m a Jew that I go by the rules. Turning on a light, work. Turning on a stove, work. A letter, writing it is work. And money you can’t put a hand on. That’s the rules. To honor God” (65). Michael learns about Judaism and how they can’t work on Shabbat. Rabbi Hirsch explains that Michael is a goy, which is a non-Jew who helps do the work for the Jews on Shabbat. Rabbi Hirsch also explains to Michael that Yiddish and Hebrew are what lot’s of Jews speak and that Hebrew is the language of Israel which is why the books are in those languages. While Rabbi

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