
Lies My Teacher Told Me Analysis

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The history books leave holes in our history regarding the discovery of the Americas, and the voyage around Africa; along with that the history books keep whites as the elites throughout history and establish the idea that anyone that wasn't white was a savage. History books over the years have given students the idea that the historical figures they have studied are in a sense gods. In “Lies My Teacher Told Me,” written by James Loewen, he talks about the flaws in history books and how textbooks teach students about a feel-good history, not the dark and gruesome history that is the truth. He disproves many textbooks and opens the eyes of the readers giving evidence of how the textbooks have warped history. In the first chapter of …show more content…

But the students fail to remember that there were people in the Americas before British came. The students begin American history at 1620, which disregards the failed colony of Jamestown, and the Dutch who at the time had been living in Albany since 1614. Along with that because of diseases brought to the Americas by the livestock and colonists many of the natives died. History books fail to remember the importance of important Indians like Squanto who helped the pilgrims of the Plymouth colony survive in their new environment. The first thanksgiving is portrayed as the Pilgrims creating a massive feast so big the Indians had never seen one like it, but that is far from the truth. The food that the pilgrims made were food that had come from the America's not from Europe. Later Benjamin West painted a depiction of Penns Treaty with the Indians where the Indians are depicted as barely clothed primitives and the English fully clothes with hats and coats very civilized. The reasoning behind keeping the image of Indians as primitives and the Settlers as civilized people is to prevent people from questioning if what the Europeans did was okay. In a sense, textbooks want students to completely overlook the barbaric things the conquistadors and settlers did to the natives. If students paid attention and learned about what the conquistadors and settlers did to the natives, then the students would start to believe that the conquistadors and settlers were the savages and not the Natives. (pg:71-94

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