
James W. Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me

Decent Essays

Many Americans today are extremely uneducated and misinformed when it comes to the history of their nation purely because they find the learning of it boring. Because of the nature of American history courses and the distribution of knowledge in America, James W. Loewen wrote the book, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, to make history more relevant to people who’ve been “bored to tears by their high school American history courses” (xii) because to be effective citizens today we must be able to understand our past. The basic mission of high school American history courses is to prepare students to do their jobs as Americans, but that mission has always been overshadowed by its “nationalistic genesis” (xvii) as a part of a “nationalist flag-waving campaign”(xvii). This causes history to be taught in a way to comfort European descendants so that whites are presented in the best light even if that means leaving out information or telling lies and “we cannot afford another generation of white Americans raised on complacent celebratory Eurocentric history” …show more content…

“Most high school history courses do nothing whatever to prepare Americans of the future to think imaginatively about the problem … blinding students to the need for change, thus making change that much more difficult” (290). Here he is saying how because of the way history classes are taught, and the archetype of progress, leaves students unaware of the real issues that they will be faced with and in turn unable to solve them effectively. With Lies My Teacher Told Me Loewen shows the true conditions of America and how they are very relevant to us today in hopes that he will be able to inspire his readers to think critically about the world today using the past as their knowledge base, since that is where history class is seriously

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