
Liberal Arts Education Vs Traditional Education Essay

Decent Essays

In today’s society, high schoolers are limited to the choice of a liberal arts or career oriented schedule. This holds students back by limiting their choice of education. Various issues arise because students are not prepared for their futures. While some students know their future path beforehand, others are completely clueless. Liberal arts education includes academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Career orientated education is a career development instructional guidance program designed to help students acquire a greater understanding of career opportunities that will assist them in making meaningful and informed career choices. While both are powerhouses and deemed important, a career-oriented schedule should be preferred in today’s society. Students should begin preparing for their future pathway as early as possible, and a liberal arts plan hinders their capability of doing so. …show more content…

Students of liberal arts programs are educated in all areas. This broadens their viewpoint because they are taking classes in many subjects. The focus is to prepare students for life challenging events. Such students will be able to learn skills such as organization, writing, and accountability. Learning from this type of curriculum helps you value skills in every area of education. Liberal arts broadens the viewpoints of its students, but this causes an issue because some students take classes but do not value the curriculum. If you take a look at any public high school, you will see the liberal arts program. Students are mindlessly placed in classes to attain their education. Students who wish to be English majors in the future are forced to take biology and chemistry, and students who wish to be astronauts are forced to take language

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