
Levels Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

Decent Essays

There are seven different rankings of hell in the book The Inferno by Dante. These levels of hell are based on different sins and how bad each sin is. Each level is described by Dante and who is in each level. Sins are ranked by how bad it is in society and are more or less easy to accept it in that order.

The very first level of Hell is limbo. Limbo is where the people who are not baptized go. “Their only pain is that they have no hope,” (Ciardi 49). These people were not blessed by Christ therefore are in one of the upper levels of hell. It is not that the people there were bad, it was simply just that they were not blessed and were not as good as the people who were baptized. These people very easily could have done good deeds, but because they were not blessed by the Lord, they were placed in the first level of Hell. …show more content…

It is one of the middle to lower levels of Hell. This can include violence towards your neighbor, yourself, or the community. “Here they pay for their ferocity. Here is Alexander. And Dionysius, who brought long years of grief to Sicily,” (Dante 114). Important figures in war or even some soldiers in general will end up on this level for fighting. Alexander was a known warhead figure and brought with him a lot of death. Generals who lead wars, but also bring a lot of casualties with them would easily fall into the violence level of Hell. This level, people are metaphorically paying for the crimes when they were alive. They are in pain and always covered in blood and everything about this level shows that they were people looking for

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