
Nine Levels In Greek Mythology

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“[A] war broke out in Heaven: Mi’chael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to earth, his angels were hurled down with him” (Revelation 12:7-9). When God banished Lucifer from the Heavens and casted him down to earth, the impact of his falling created a crater which leads to the center of the earth that eventually transforms into Hell, which consists into nine levels. These nine levels are separated into three categories: self-satisfaction, self-centeredness, and self-destruction. …show more content…

They did not commit any sins, yet this region is more hospitable than the rest of the levels. The Limbo level includes right-minded non-Christian adults to unbaptized infants. Therefore, there are bountiful of many of the great heroes, thinkers, creative minds and the great philosophers there, since the punishment for them is boredom and not knowing God -- continuing into Lust. Lust is the second level of Hell, The lascivious people in hell, are those whose actions frequently pilot their lovers and themselves to oblivion, because the desire, the beauty, and the power of attraction towards a person can led to a destructive force of avaricious sexual desire. Lust is farthest from Satan. Its significance marks it as the least serious sin, punishment is usually met with violent winds -- continuing to Gluttony. Gluttony is the third level of Hell, for the baneful foible of Gluttony, are concupiscence mournful souls broken by overwhelming yearning. While gluttony is still the least serious of the seven sins, its punishment lies with discomfort, lying in filth and muck, as that of …show more content…

Violence includes: Murder, Suicide, Blasphemy, Sodomy, and Usury. Violence takes on three forms according its victim: other people (one's neighbor), oneself, or God. Those prone to doing violence against other people or their property--murderers and bandits—inhabit the first ring inside the seventh circle, a river of blood Those who also carry out an act of violence against themselves or their own property--suicides and squanderers (self-destructive)--inhabit the second ring, a horrid forest . The third ring which lies between the first two rings--is a barren plain of sand ablazed by giling of fire that torment three separate groups of violent offenders against God: those who offend God directly. While blasphemers: God's offspring sodomites are those who violate nature and does harm industry and the economy, offspring of nature and thus God’s grandchild. Fraud is the eighth level of Hell. A dark endless void place that holds those guilty of deliberate knowing evil, and uses lies and deception for personal gain. This circle is prorated into ten ditches -- each holding a different type of liar and each has a different form of punishment. This is thus a home to every single demon and monster which appear in the other levels (circles). Each step down Fraud is a small arena in which the player will have to fight through the creatures of hell. The final level of Hell is treachery-- as in doing

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