
Letter To Mrs. Hile Essay

Decent Essays

Dear Mr. Ahn and Mrs. Oh,
Hello there! I am Mr. Hiles, Andrew's English teacher. Thus far, the only correspondence between us has been my weekly newsletter that comes home with students. These are meant to keep you informed on a weekly basis of what we are generally covering in class. I'm sure Andrew has probably told you more than the letters do. With this said, I wanted to personally reach out in order to address an issue that has come up.
Unfortunately, I came across plagiarized material in Andrew's Vietnam Comparative Essay. I found this after I had given back a hard copy I graded and marked on. It was an essay that I initially gave him a perfect score on, based on the strength of the ideas (I thought) he had presented. It was not a strictly perfect essay, just a very strong performance-- especially from a ninth grader. I felt it was strong enough to warrant that grade, and I wanted Andrew to get the grade (it seemed) he had worked for. Consequently, I was tremendously disappointed when I learned that a number of the points he made in the essay were not his own. According to the school policy, I have no choice but to give Andrew a 0 on this assignment. …show more content…

We (Andrew and I) agreed before Principal Colvin to allow the Comparative Essay to count as the grade for both of these essays. We reached this agreement after Andrew and I had disagreements regarding the original grade he received on this Five-Paragraph Essay-- which was a 79. He was unwilling to rewrite that essay for another grade, so we agreed to count the grade of the Comparative Essay in its place. Now that grade is a 0 as well, per our agreement. I will be informing him of this today, and I wanted to let you know in

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