
Lennie: A Short Story

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“Hey Bunny, do you want to play basketball with me in the park?,” saide Bird. “ No, I can’t play, every time I do, someone always makes fun of me because I am a girl,” explained Bunny. “Well, I will stand up for you if they do,” says Bird. “I want to play but I don’t want to make my parents mad, they will not know where I am,” said Bunny. “ We can go ask them,” said Bird. “ I guess so, but i will also have to eat dinner before,” said Bunny. “ Ok, I can wait,” Bird said patiently. “After I eat dinner, I have to do homework, then I have to clean my room, after that I will probably be too tired to play basketball with you,” said Bunny. “ Well, I am sad to hear that, but would you like to play with me tomorrow after school?,” asked Bird. “Maybe,

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