“Hey Bunny, do you want to play basketball with me in the park?,” saide Bird. “ No, I can’t play, every time I do, someone always makes fun of me because I am a girl,” explained Bunny. “Well, I will stand up for you if they do,” says Bird. “I want to play but I don’t want to make my parents mad, they will not know where I am,” said Bunny. “ We can go ask them,” said Bird. “ I guess so, but i will also have to eat dinner before,” said Bunny. “ Ok, I can wait,” Bird said patiently. “After I eat dinner, I have to do homework, then I have to clean my room, after that I will probably be too tired to play basketball with you,” said Bunny. “ Well, I am sad to hear that, but would you like to play with me tomorrow after school?,” asked Bird. “Maybe,
In the city of Warper Hoods lived a family of pandas. Hakeem, the oldest sibling of the family of pandas, played basketball for Warper Hoods Low School. His sister, Sky was also a basketball player for their school. The two pandas grew up in Waper Hoods, and so did their parents. Hakeem and Sky was in love with the game, they played right after school, on the weekend, and in their spare time. At, school sky and Hakeem were known as the stars and everyone loved coming to their games and supporting them. “Sky, watch my paw roll!” Hakeem insisted. As sky watched her brother she couldn’t help but notices someone moving in the empty house across the street from their house. She saw a family of cow. “Hakeem look, we have new neighbors.” Hakeem looked suspiciously and continued playing basketball. The family of cows that moved across the streets were known as the Millers. They had came from Saginaw because there was a riot about the dean of students showing favoritism towards the football team. On Monday, Sky and Hakeem went to school and saw that they has a new dean of students. When they went to his new office to ask for basketballs they saw his face. It was the dean from Saginaw. Hakeem eyes got huge and Sky started to
Rocket Lee and Jabari Washington woke up bright and early on a Saturday morning ready to go hunting. Rocket always brought his lucky hat which in his eyes had helped him kill many bucks. Rocket didn't agree with Jabari’s lucky charm so he exclaimed “ Jabari why do you carry that silly basketball on are hunting trip.” Jabari shot back “ The same reason you bring that ugly fishing hat. My basketball has helped me kill a record this year with a total of 69 rabbits.” Rocket didn’t want to start a fight so he ended the conversation with “All im saying is that my charm at least has a purpose instead of just taking up space.” Jabari though not wanting lose this argument he shouted “ Let's have a hunt off for the best charm.” Rocket “it's settled
The last connection I can relate too is not learning things as fast as others. Lennie struggles with his disabilities. He try's really hard to over come them. For example, when he try's to remember what George had said to him. I am the same way only I struggle with school subjects such as english and
There are more than 4.6 million people in the United States that suffer from intellectual disabilities. n the book Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck one of the main characters suffers from retardation.Lennie would have been better off in today's world than he was back in the 1930s.
Lennie and her family like to read in the middle of their street. They call it “road-reading”.
It is belief that one is alone, where as two is company. So, as far as I believe it's important to have friends, best friends are those in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and share and care for you. But, it's a true fact with the age you understand that bunch of friends are not important, only some of them are your real friends. One who can support you in difficult times are true friends and that’s how we can justify friendship.Like wise,I think that Lennie's needs are directly met through his friendship with George. Lennie comes to depend on George for protecting him and looking out for his well- being. From Aunt Clara to George, Lennie has always been dependent on someone overseeing him and safeguarding
“‘Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from ‘em.’ ‘Le’s do it now. Let’s get that place now’” (106). These are the last words that filled the air between George and Lennie, their last exchange preceding a pivotal moment in both of their lives. They conversation calms and soothes Lennie, who hopes to finally get the farm that he and George dreamed about for so many years. Yet unbeknownst to him, Lennie would soon be set free from his earthly bonds by his long-time friend; a bullet, shot from the barrel of George’s gun, would enter Lennie’s head and kill him instantly. That bullet was not one of self-gain and moral disrepute, but one of freedom and liberation from worldly restraints. While this remains a hotly contested topic in classrooms reading Of Mice and Men, George’s intentions in killing Lennie were overwhelmingly good-natured.
I went to Riley’s house and John was there. John brought his tennis ball. Riley said, “Hey let play baseball with the tennis ball”.
Steinback characterizes George and Lennie individually in many cases, generally conveying that Lennie is a very innocent and juvenile person who is oblivious to what is happening in his world, while on the other hand, George is the equivalent to Lennie’s parent who looks after him and takes care of him all while making sure he does not get into trouble. Steinback reinforces this idea of a parent-child relationship immediately by explaining how George held onto Lennie’s work card so that poor Lennie would not carelessly misplace it somewhere before they get to the ranch where they will work. Lennie also urges George to tell him the story of the dream life that they are longing for before bed even though Lennie has heard it numerous times,
Nea: Lennie Small is a large, lumbering, childlike migrant worker. Also known as a gentle and kind human being. Lennie does not understand his own strength . Lennie has a close friend called George. The two of them are migrant workers during the great depression. Lennie´s words when he is talking to most people come out has more of a 5 year old boy instead of a grown man. Especially when they were fighting in the beginning of the book. Lennie's love of petting soft things, such as small animals, dresses, and people´s hair, leads to disasters in the novel, Of Mice and Men.
The novel begins and ends with George and Lennie in the brush. Lennie and George have a dream to start a new life, to go from the brush to their own farm. One of the novel's main ideas is Don’t dream big because you will be disappointed. The book starts in the brush with a big dream and ends right where it started, but with the disappointment of their dream crumbling before their eyes. With Lennie’s euthanasia at the hands of
I don’t talk about what happened and no one’s cares enough to question me, they’re just happy he’s gone and I thought I would be too. That day haunts me, I blame myself for not watching him I knew something was going to go wrong eventually, it always did when Lennie was around. I can still hear the ringing in my ears if it’s quiet enough; I will never be able to escape that moment in my life. I don’t regret what I did because it had to be done to protect him but it was still the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I feel like a part of my day is missing, a part I never thought I would ever miss but I do. I miss having to repeat everything I said to Lennie because at least then I had someone to talk to. I miss having that companionship even if he never understood or remembered a word I said at least he was there. When Lennie was here I had a purpose and that purpose was to take care of Lennie, now he’s not here and it feels like I have no direction
It could be argued that everyone knows right from wrong. People may say that someone who knows that they’re doing something wrong has morals. In the novel, Lennie is aware that he did something wrong after killing Curley’s wife. Although the statement that everyone knows right from wrong could be argued, it is not true, because in the novel, Lennie fails to consider how he just killed Curley’s wife and only worries about George’s reaction. He says, ¨I done a real bad thing [...]
A Dream can be defined in as an ideal. The American dream is to be
I would like to thank everyone who has come here today to say goodbye to a dear friend of mine and yours. A friend who was kind. A friend who loved everyone.A friend. Lennie Small was my only friend. He was my family.