1. What happened to Bailey four weeks ago?
She died of arrhythmia while rehearsing Romeo & Juliet. 2. Bailey was Lennie’s _________.
Bailey was Lennie’s big sister. 3. What is Lennie’s favorite book?
Her favorite book is Wuthering Heights. 4. What is Lennie’s real name?
Her real name is Lennon, after John Lennon. 5. Where is Joe Fontaine, the new boy, from?
He is from France. 6. When did Sarah start wearing black outfits?
She started wearing black outfits in tenth grade. 7. Why does Rachel call Joe “The Maestro”?
She calls him “The Maestro” because he can play many instruments very well.
8. Why does Sarah strongly dislike Rachel?
Sarah hates Rachel ever since she became lead clarinet in the school’s music
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What are the names of Lennie’s neighbor’s dogs?
Her neighbor has two dogs called Lucy and Ethel. 10. What was Bailey’s favorite book?
Her favorite book was Like Water for Chocolate.
11. What is an unusual place Lennie and her family like to read?
Lennie and her family like to read in the middle of their street. They call it “road-reading”.
12. How did Bailey and her boyfriend Toby meet?
Bailey was out road-reading with Lennie when Toby passed them in the street on a horse. Bailey waited for him to pass again, and he did, this time on a skateboard. She chatted him up and found out he went to the same school as her. They soon became a couple.
13. What color had Bailey and Lennie recently painted their shared bedroom’s walls?
They had painted their bedroom walls bright orange a few months ago.
14. What does Gram always paint?
She always paints her “ladies”, which are women who look half mermaid, half Martian.
15. What did everyone gift Lennie’s family after Bailey’s funeral?
For some unknown reason, everyone in their town stopped by Lennie’s house and gave them whole hams after the funeral.
16. Why does Lennie, and previously Bailey, live with Uncle Big and
The political cartoon I chose was drawn by Henry Payne. The political cartoon depicts President Obama playing golf. I chose this cartoon for many different reasons and I feel this relates to how I feel about the current politics. I will show how this cartoon applies to the current situation the government is facing.
a) Describe the major influences that led to the rise to prominence of your chosen personality in her nation’s history.
Lennie was talking to the boss’s son's wife, known as curley's wife Lennie killed curley's wife by accidentally snapping her neck. George and Candy were talking and george realizes that curley and boss would want to kill him or lock him up but they don't understand that lennie can't survive on his own. Georges debating whether to let the guys kill lennie or if he should,. George was telling Lennie a story and his hands were shaking and the gun drops. He continues to tell him the story but he hears the guys coming in the distance. George shoots Lennie and he
The last connection I can relate too is not learning things as fast as others. Lennie struggles with his disabilities. He try's really hard to over come them. For example, when he try's to remember what George had said to him. I am the same way only I struggle with school subjects such as english and
There are more than 4.6 million people in the United States that suffer from intellectual disabilities. n the book Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck one of the main characters suffers from retardation.Lennie would have been better off in today's world than he was back in the 1930s.
important part to the STEM community, though it came as a shock when women started playing
When George and Lennie get to the farm, the boss interviews the two. The boss is curious why George and Lennie are together, because usually migrant workers would travel alone. George lies and says that they are cousins and that Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse as a child. The boss of the ranch agrees and gives them the job. Later they meet a man named Candy. He is an old rancher that has lost one hand.
It is belief that one is alone, where as two is company. So, as far as I believe it's important to have friends, best friends are those in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and share and care for you. But, it's a true fact with the age you understand that bunch of friends are not important, only some of them are your real friends. One who can support you in difficult times are true friends and that’s how we can justify friendship.Like wise,I think that Lennie's needs are directly met through his friendship with George. Lennie comes to depend on George for protecting him and looking out for his well- being. From Aunt Clara to George, Lennie has always been dependent on someone overseeing him and safeguarding
Then they argue about other stuff: Lennie wants ketchup with his supper of beans, but George says there is not any. Lennie threatens to go live by himself in a cave and then George says what a great life he could have if Lennie did go off and live in a cave. Aw, and now Lennie's feelings are hurt. George makes it up to Lennie by telling him his favorite story, the one where they have their own ranch and Lennie gets to take care of rabbits. As long and as hard as he wants.
“‘Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from ‘em.’ ‘Le’s do it now. Let’s get that place now’” (106). These are the last words that filled the air between George and Lennie, their last exchange preceding a pivotal moment in both of their lives. They conversation calms and soothes Lennie, who hopes to finally get the farm that he and George dreamed about for so many years. Yet unbeknownst to him, Lennie would soon be set free from his earthly bonds by his long-time friend; a bullet, shot from the barrel of George’s gun, would enter Lennie’s head and kill him instantly. That bullet was not one of self-gain and moral disrepute, but one of freedom and liberation from worldly restraints. While this remains a hotly contested topic in classrooms reading Of Mice and Men, George’s intentions in killing Lennie were overwhelmingly good-natured.
Is murder always bad? In the book “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, a character who goes by the name of George shoots and kills his mentally disabled best friend on purpose. Some people would automatically think that George is a terrible human being, but based upon the situation the two men were in, George was only trying to protect Lennie. Even though George is tough on Lennie throughout the story, George is only trying to stop Lennie from getting into any trouble. Throughout the book, Lennie finds himself in troubled situations. His dear friend, George, often helps him out of these situations or shields him form harsh punishment. George’s actions justify his treatment and harsh actions towards Lennie.
Considered amateurs to the sport—college athletes are blessed with a unique opportunity to showcase their talent on a national level, and in return of showcasing their talent—the athletes are also provided scholarships (partial or full) towards their degree, but according to some that is not enough. For years, many athletes, parents, and physicians feel as if the athletes are being treated like employees because of the time commitment, strict scheduling and potential for long term injuries. For these reasons, pay checks are being requested. However, the student-athletes signed up to participate in collegiate sports. They were not forced or drafted by the NCAA to play the game they love. In exchange for participating in collegiate activities—the student-athlete is provided free education and experiences that will last a life time. Because student-athletes are considered students and are provided with scholarships and unique experiences—they should not be paid for their athletic performance for many substantial reasons.
A Dream can be defined in as an ideal. The American dream is to be
Up north, they had recently been run out of a town called Weed on account of Lennie. First of all, Lennie is not very smart, and becomes frightened and confused easily. Also, he enjoys petting animals and feelingthings that grab his attention. One night in Weed, Lennie and George had gone to a pool hall. Lennie saw a girl wearing a bright red dress. He grabbed on to the sleeve of her
George saved Lennie and backed him up all through the novella. In the old town they lived in, Lennie got