
1. What Is Lennie's Real Name?

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1. What happened to Bailey four weeks ago?
She died of arrhythmia while rehearsing Romeo & Juliet. 2. Bailey was Lennie’s _________.
Bailey was Lennie’s big sister. 3. What is Lennie’s favorite book?
Her favorite book is Wuthering Heights. 4. What is Lennie’s real name?
Her real name is Lennon, after John Lennon. 5. Where is Joe Fontaine, the new boy, from?
He is from France. 6. When did Sarah start wearing black outfits?
She started wearing black outfits in tenth grade. 7. Why does Rachel call Joe “The Maestro”?
She calls him “The Maestro” because he can play many instruments very well.

8. Why does Sarah strongly dislike Rachel?
Sarah hates Rachel ever since she became lead clarinet in the school’s music …show more content…

What are the names of Lennie’s neighbor’s dogs?
Her neighbor has two dogs called Lucy and Ethel. 10. What was Bailey’s favorite book?
Her favorite book was Like Water for Chocolate.

11. What is an unusual place Lennie and her family like to read?
Lennie and her family like to read in the middle of their street. They call it “road-reading”.

12. How did Bailey and her boyfriend Toby meet?
Bailey was out road-reading with Lennie when Toby passed them in the street on a horse. Bailey waited for him to pass again, and he did, this time on a skateboard. She chatted him up and found out he went to the same school as her. They soon became a couple.

13. What color had Bailey and Lennie recently painted their shared bedroom’s walls?
They had painted their bedroom walls bright orange a few months ago.

14. What does Gram always paint?
She always paints her “ladies”, which are women who look half mermaid, half Martian.

15. What did everyone gift Lennie’s family after Bailey’s funeral?
For some unknown reason, everyone in their town stopped by Lennie’s house and gave them whole hams after the funeral.

16. Why does Lennie, and previously Bailey, live with Uncle Big and

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