
Leibniz Evil

Decent Essays

The Problem of Evil

When talking about the existence of God there is always this problem of evil in the world. The people who already believe tend to not answer the question with anything very satisfying for a nonbeliever. In Leibnizs "God, Evil and The Best of All Possible Worlds" it is best addressed that there are the question of why God is allowing such evil in the world. Where as Saint Anselm doesn’t even acknowledge that God is anything but great. However, both of their arguments are still not to par for anyone looking for answers to the question of Evil.

Anselm's Ontological Argument has five parts to explain why someone should believe in god. None of the have any concreteness to them. There is nothing to make someone believe who …show more content…

For someone to believe in god he has to already believe in god. The argument is not convincing. When Gotteried Leibniz makes his argument about god he at least acknowledges the evil in the world. He gives reasoning and answers to the questions people have with the evil in the world. This problem of evil is hard to get through for anyone who has experienced hardship or pain. The omnipotent god that is referred to is one who is all knowing, powerful and good yet he made a world without those qualities. His answer was that "evil is accompanied by a greater good." (pg.89) the second part of his argument discusses the amount of evil in the world. His answer to this was god in infinite and so is his goodness whereas evil in finite and will not carry into our after life. (pg.90)

For him to say that there could possibly be more good than evil in absurd because how could he know this. Then to assume that the goodness will be infinite we have to assume there is an afterlife that we will be conscious for. These arguments are based on the fact that someone already believes in god so they do work in favor of the argument he is trying to provide. Both Leibniz and Anselm offer arguments that only work if you already believe and do nothing for people who do not believe in the

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