
John Leslie Mackie's Response To The Problem Of Evil

Decent Essays

Widespread controversy surrounds the Problem of Evil and the philosophical premises constructed. Devine entities are perceivably omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent, although the extent to which an omni-God of such can coexist with suffering is an extensively debatable topic. The objective of this essay’s argument is to posit a range of deliberation regarding the integrity of various theoretical claims, where if God truly existed, would this subjectively “all-good” entity allow evil to exist?
2. Problem of Evil
The Problem of Evil attempts to question the inexplicable suffering occurring in the world, where it appears incomprehensible that an all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing God would the existence of evil. John Leslie Mackie was …show more content…

Specifically, opposition to the Problem of Evil is purported with Alvin Plantinga's Free Will Argument, in which beings possess the will to make choices based on their personal morals. The idea of absorption as a response to the Problem of Evil entails the proposition that some good circumstances arise, which could have only existed through the introduction of misfortune and pain. Thus, having freedom of will and action potentially absorbs the world’s evils (O’Connor, …show more content…

Theistic refutation of the argument considers the premise that unproportionate suffering occurs. Consecutively, the second premise purports incomprehensible suffering prompting a greater good arising or forfeiting a worse suffering being experienced (Rowe, 2011). For example, postulation surrounds the potential compensation in the next life for the suffering endured at present. Additionally, human and animal suffering may be attributed to the positive consequences of evil, providing a “useful warning system” (Mackie, 1982), wherein absorbing potential threat of injury or death. Hence, much of the suffering may be cognitively incomprehensible due to our somewhat limited scope of knowledge (Herrick, 2011). Thus, it is possible that God exists, as there is extensive suffering for morally justified reasons resulting in a greater good not yet made aware to

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