
Legislative Groups

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Before these groups make a law, they must be sure they help as many people as possible/ not harm or majorly affect citizens in a negative way. Make sure the law does not undo another law unless the rest of Congress is okay with that. Once a law is suggested, the executive group/person must approve it and the citizens will vote on it. Adding on to that, the legislative groups, of course, must not change any laws or taxes without consent from everyone in the group. And some decisions remain with the states, such as farming, hunting, safety of the land and immigration to the state. The state can call “town meetings” to discuss events or changes anytime they please. The Congress still controls taxes and other laws that concern the …show more content…

There are 2 groups in the executive branch, each consisting of 1 person. The first group determines the economics and treasury while the second group determines foreign affairs, military, and trade. Both with determine taxes. In order to qualify to be the first “president”, you must complete at least 15 years of work experience. The second “president” must have 5 years work experience and serve 20 years in military or achieve 1 star. Both must complete a background check issued by the legislative branch, be american citizens and be successfully voted to power by fellow …show more content…

They must complete debates against their competitors and choose a successor in case anything happens to them while serving in office. Terms are 4 years long and can rerun 1 time to serve a total 8 years. The special powers that our committee decided to come up with were that the executive branch needs to determine what each law means and what punishment for the crimes committed.Our committee proposes that the special powers the executive branch needs is to determine what each law means and what the punishment for crimes committed.Some other specific duties such as The Presidents of these groups need to communicate with other countries to determine alliances and who to pronounce war against. The military will decide whether to declare war or not. The procedure to remove people from office is that members of this group can be removed only if they are not following the rules of their position and are not making the right choices. To remove one of the members, the members of the Executive branch must vote to remove the member and ¾ people must agree. My committee and I came up with there should be 3 courts, supreme court- nationwide matters such as serial killer, attacking government in any way, terrorist attack, state court- murder, big thefts, rape, embezzlement,

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