
Legal Cases That Have Influenced Or Impacted The Profession Of School Psychology

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Jessica Rothman SPS 6805 Fall 2014 Final Exam Part 2 Questions 2 & 4 2. Discuss 7 legal cases that have influenced or impacted the profession of school psychology. 1. Brown V. Board of Education The Brown verse the Board of Education was a very significant legal case that influenced education dramatically. It was one of the greatest Supreme Court decisions of the twentieth century. It concluded that the racial segregation of children in public schools was violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1954, a large number of schools in the United States were racially segregated. There were schools for white children and separate schools for black children. Racially segregated schools were made legal in 1896. The Plessy verse Ferguson case held that segregated public schools were constitutional as long as the black and white schools were of equal quality. However, the schools did not end up being equal. Linda Brown was a black student who had to attend a school for only black children, because during the 1950’s in Topeka, Kansas, schools were segregated by race. Linda Brown and her sister were forced to walk through a dangerous railroad switchyard to get to their bus stop, where they would be taken to their all-black elementary school. The Brown’s lived closer to another school, but it was only for white-students, so Linda was unable to attend the school closer to her house. Linda’s family felt that the segregation of the school system was violating

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