
It Was Not Fair, By The Brown V. The Board Of Education

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It was Not Fair “Knowledge overcomes ignorance and was the best weapon in the fight against injustice.” Words as these were the only form of consolation for children who were separated but they remained to be “equal” because they were either worthless in society or they were inferior. But the inferior here were the whites, it was whom a black child “noticed were always in charge.” This inferiority was what caused black children like Moses attend schools were children who looked like himself attended. Moses had moved into an all-white neighborhood where a new school was being constructed across the street. Everyone wondered if he would be able to attend the school, the answer was clear: NO. Therefore, Moses had to wake up, pretend there was no school right across the street and walk or ride his bike two miles to the school where the law said he belonged. This was in 1958, four years after the Brown v. the Board of Education. By knowing what Brown v. the Board of Education was, the effects before the case and the outcomes, it is better understood why children like Moses did not have to walk long distances to attend a school when there was one right across the street. It was not fair. Brown v. the Board of Education was a Supreme Court decision held in 1954 in which the Equal Protection Clause was being violated in segregated schools because “the city’s black and white schools were not equal to each other and never could be”. At this point in time, schools (along with

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