
Learning Disabilities as a Cultural Construct Essay

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While perceptions of learning disabilities (LD) may vary according to country, culture, and teachers, it is often necessary to diagnose students in order to receive funding for services. It can be helpful to recognize those learning disabilities that students may have in order to provide extra assistance when necessary. It would be advantageous, too, if wide recognition of LD could take away the stigma that is often present. However, since LD is a multi-faceted topic, labeling often carries a negative connotation and can lead to ostracizing of students. It is beneficial for a student if the classification of a student with LD results in an enhanced educational experience. According to New York State Part 200 Regulations, a learning …show more content…

Most recently, some schools employ the responsiveness to intervention (RTI) approach; students are provided with services to see if the intervention is beneficial. There are arguments made for and against each diagnostic approach. It seems that the discrepancy model relies on the need to test in an official capacity before services can be provided. Thus, labeling a student with LD is a natural result of the testing. If the evaluations show a difference between intellect and achievement, it is generally concluded that the student has a learning disability. The RTI method relies more on a teacher’s observations and the cooperation of general education, special education, and service providers such as literacy specialists in order to provide accommodations for students (A. Turnbull, R. Turnbull, and Wehmeyer, 2010). Using a less formal approach means that labeling is not necessarily a central part of the process. It is important to note that the issues of labeling students with LD often come as a result of the perceptions surrounding the student. For instance, when students are sent to other classrooms or other schools, it suggests an “otherness” in the students. The perception is that there is something wrong with them that they can’t be in the general education classrooms and schools. There is also an accompanying shame that students and their parents feel by such an obvious

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