Lean manufacturing is the process of eliminating waste in every area such as production, supply chain, maintenance, quality control and factory management.
The ultimate goal of lean manufacturing is to decrease the human effort, inventory and time to meet the customer demand in the most efficient and possible economical manner.
Lean manufacturing is referred to the methods of manufacturing that gives maximum value and minimum waste in the process that is followed. Lean manufacturing is also used to focus on the resources to maximize the value added features and eliminate the non-value added features.
There were different names for Lean over the years which was primarily developed from the Toyota Production System (TPS) it has
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In Ohno’s book ‘TPS – beyond large scale production’ Ohno described how TPS evolved out of need, as the market place in post war Japan required small quantities of cars to be produced in many varieties. This became very different ot the Ford principle of mass-production.
Although TPS began in 1950, Japanese firms noticed only in the 1973 where oil crisis took place. Since then the system has been studied, copied and implemented across many industries.
Womack, Jones and Roos (1990) coined the phrase “Lean Manufacturing” in the MIT five-year study into the automotive industry that led to the book “The Machine That Changed the World”. This gives a pretty good insight into The History of Lean Manufacturing
Even with the massive amount of research that has taken place into the Toyota Production System, fifty one years after it was born, Slack et al still refer to Lean Manufacturing as a ‘radical departure from traditional operations practice’.
The Timeline of Lean Manufacturing:
1926 - Sakichi Toyoda sells foreign rights to loom and Sakichi Toyoda patents Toyoda Automatic Loom with Non-Stop Shuttle-change motion
1936 - Kiichiro Toyoda (Sakichi’s son) starts Toyota (then called
Making decisions without thinking most likely have bad outcomes. In the book Hiroshima, by John Hersey, we learned that we should think in the future before we act. Remembering our past mistakes. For instance, we know one decision without thinking about the circumstances can kill thousands of innocent people. “They reported 78,150 people dead, 13,983 people missing, and 37,425 people injured” (81).
Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything than in mass production: less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment tools and less engineering time to develop a new product. A company becomes lean by continuously increasing its capacity to produce high-quality goods while
“Lean is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) through continuous improvement by flowing the **product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection.” Lockwood [24].
Production practices have had an important role in satisfying the dynamic market. Many approaches have being developed in order to respond effectively to specific business requirements. In fact, some areas of management have focused its study on the overseeing, designing, and controlling the process of production in an effort to find the best methodology that ensures the business success and performance. However, complexities arise in this field because many variables such as costs, inventory, scheduling, suppliers, etc have to be considered in any business. Lean approach and the traditional approach are two points of view that aim to address this complexities, and those will be examined in this essay.
Lean is defines the manufacturing philosophy that reduces the time between the shipping and customer demand, which based on the systematic method by eliminating waste, that means giving the customer what they want when they want it, and don 't waste whatever. Rahmana, Sharif and Esa (2013) suggested lean production is mentioned to improve the company 's performance from the philosophy in reducing waste in order. That means, lean system destination is the decrease cost by removing the non-value activities, which they are applying a category of tools and techniques for checking and eliminating defective in the production process. In the Evenort Company should emulate the five overriding principles of lean thinking in terms of implementing lean that there is guarantee the company has been driving correctly in the lean manufacturing (Cardiff 2015) as can show in table 1.
Lean must be brought into the discussion as a possible means of supplementing and strengthening lean manufacturing in situations where its principles may fall short. In this Project we want to emphasize on three methods
Lean manufacturing is a method of reducing waste (muda) in the manufacturing system. It also considers the waste due to overload and waste dude to over burden. Lean manufacturing also best known as Toyota production system or kaizen production system. Although the Toyota production system was introduced more than a century ago it has continue to develop over time. It was practiced by the Henry Ford for the manufacturing of Ford model T which was very successful between the years 1908 to 1920 which almost sold 2 Million cars a year. Later on it was developed by the Toyota in Japan. The main idea behind the lean manufacturing is to value the customer needs by reducing the waste and achieving good products with more value by consuming less resources. Muda is defined as the material or the activity for which the customer is not willing to pay. The main task of lean manufacturing is to identify Muda and to get rid of it. These products are created by using less human effort, less space, less capital, less time to produce high quality.
The word lean was coined by Womack, Jones and Roos in their book, "The machine that changed the world". This book provides insight into the history of Lean Manufacturing.
The evolution of Lean production which can be also called Toyota Production system (TPS), manufacturing system introduced by automaker toyota, is contributed by two significant traditional method called Scientific management ( Taylorism ) and Mass manufacturing ( Fordism).
Lean manufacturing is an operational procedure arranged toward accomplishing the most limited conceivable process duration by wiping out waste. It is gotten from the Toyota production system and its goal is to expand the worth included work by taking out squanders and decreasing superfluous work. The method frequently diminishes the time between a client request and shipment, and it is intended to enhance benefit, consumer loyalty, throughput time, and worker inspiration. The advantages of lean manufacturing for the most part are lower costs, higher quality, and shorter lead times. The term lean manufacturing is made to speak to less human exertion in the organization, less assembling space, less interest in apparatuses, less stock in advancement, and less designing
Lean Manufacturing works by reducing all process steps that do not add value to the product. It also promotes flexibility, continuous improvement, perfect first time quality, minimal waste and building a good relationship with suppliers.
Companies compete with others across global market to gain competitive advantage. Customers desire high quality products which meet their specification at reasonable price. Customers want manufacturers to meet their demands, and they switch to different brands if their needs are unmet. Thus, manufacturers are looking for ways to speed up their process and at same time achieve highest level of customer satisfaction. Lean methodology is one of the ways by which manufacturers can achieve the same.
Lean Manufacturing focuses on eliminating non-value added processes and waste and try to produce only to satisfy customer demand.
Lean manufacturing is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. Working from the perspective of the customer who consumes a product or service, "value" is defined as any action or process that a customer would be willing to pay for. The goal of Lean is to becomes the creation and maintenance of a production system which runs repetitively, day after day, week after week in a manner identical to the previous time period. Lean is actually the set of "tools" that assist in the identification and steady elimination of waste. As waste is eliminated quality
Todd(2000) defines lean production as “initiative, whose goal is to shrink the waste in human effort, inventory, time to market, and manufacturing space to become highly responsive to customer demand while producing world class quality products in the most efficient and economical manner”. The Lean approach consists of several practices, which aim to improve efficiency, quality, and responsiveness to customers. Lean manufacturing is industrialized by Taiichi Ohno at Toyota Motor Company in the 1950’s (Motwani 2003). It was like “an innovation technique based on the minds and hands philosophy of the