EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Companies compete with others across global market to gain competitive advantage. Customers desire high quality products which meet their specification at reasonable price. Customers want manufacturers to meet their demands, and they switch to different brands if their needs are unmet. Thus, manufacturers are looking for ways to speed up their process and at same time achieve highest level of customer satisfaction. Lean methodology is one of the ways by which manufacturers can achieve the same. Lean is a philosophy that focuses on maximizing value to a customer and at the same time minimizing waste. This philosophy can be applied across all processes of the business. Lean methodology overcomes various waste associated with the process. There are various lean tools like Value Stream Mapping, JIT, TPM, 5S, Jidoka, Kaizen etc. which helps organization to streamline their process and giving customer products of highest quality thereby earning customer satisfaction. This project study was done at Hitachi Metals India Pvt. Ltd. The organization manufactures cores which are used in various electrical appliances like AC, TV, X-ray machines etc. There are two types of cores that are manufactured i.e. E-core and C-core. The process for both the cores was studied in detailed. The objective of study was to use Lean principles and Information …show more content…
5WHY analysis was done on the non-value adding activity to understand the reason why it is carried out. A proposal was made to replace the handling of cores from bins to glass rods. Two trials were also conducted. The results of the two trials were statistically tested with actual results in SPSS. It was observed that there was no differences in mean inductance value of the cores before and after the trials were conducted. As a result of this, the changeover time was reduced from 94.35 minutes to 12.58
| The Purpose of this project is to increase overall sales by developing new products, increasing productivity and national presence and reducing dependence on equipment suppliers. To accomplish this creation of a new manufacturing plant is required. The plant will be built in a
Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything than in mass production: less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment tools and less engineering time to develop a new product. A company becomes lean by continuously increasing its capacity to produce high-quality goods while
Lean production is an incorporated group of activities set up to attain high volume production by using low inventories of raw materials, processing goods, and finished goods (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). Using a lean production process, the China plant will be able to produce goods at a lower cost. Riordan China plant will need to eliminate any waste in the production process to achieve the highest level of efficiency.
Lean is defines the manufacturing philosophy that reduces the time between the shipping and customer demand, which based on the systematic method by eliminating waste, that means giving the customer what they want when they want it, and don 't waste whatever. Rahmana, Sharif and Esa (2013) suggested lean production is mentioned to improve the company 's performance from the philosophy in reducing waste in order. That means, lean system destination is the decrease cost by removing the non-value activities, which they are applying a category of tools and techniques for checking and eliminating defective in the production process. In the Evenort Company should emulate the five overriding principles of lean thinking in terms of implementing lean that there is guarantee the company has been driving correctly in the lean manufacturing (Cardiff 2015) as can show in table 1.
Lean is a process where creating more value to customers by minimizing wastage, time with less resources. Lean organization understand the customer value and try to increase proceed which adding more value to the business. In order to accomplish the lean thinking
And so they implemented Lean in 2004, in their repair division which reduced workplace. Lean manufacturing is applied to get rid of all non-value added steps of the procedure so that providing the best merchandise to clients. Lean was first invented by International Motor Vehicle Program but Taiichi Ohno had already implemented Lean in Toyota Production system. Ohno eliminated seven wastes such as overproduction, over processing, delay, inventories, defective parts, transportation and movements. Lean consists of many tools such as just-in-time, Kanban and etc.
The Lean Manufacturing approach is meant to transform non-value added activity into value added activity. Lean Manufacturing technology has its impetus and focus on whole operation. Lean Manufacturing methods are inclusive of all employees and involve a major change in the embedded attitudes of the individuals that make up the organizations. In today 's highly competitive world, the Indian organizations are striving hard to
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia E-mail: pujawan@ie.its.ac.id
Lean operations and supply chain originated from the Toyota Production System in Japan and have influenced manufacturing over the past two to three decades. Lean is described as the product of applying the Toyota Production System to all areas of an industrial process. Toyota’s strategies are based on Just in Time manufacturing, continuous flow, reducing lead times, eliminating non-value added waste, and excess inventory, a pull system centred on customer demand and continuous improvement (Liker, 2004). These integrated processes became the basis of Lean manufacturing and have recently extended to include all aspects of the supply chain process. Raw materials arrive Just in Time for production based on the demand of the
The concept of lean production in a manufacturing organization basically means to try and maximise the use of materials to achieve optimum customer value and at the same time reducing waste and ensuring the same standard of quality in the finished product. Reducing the resources means it will cheaper for the organization to create the product plus also for the
The Lean methodology is a process management methodology that examines and enhance processes from the customer perspective. It looks to create proceedings that creates
– Reducing Batch size – E.g., going in for multiple smaller batching plants in the site
The origins of lean thinking is actually created from the manufacturing industry. In the manufacturing or production industry, lean management design approach main objective is focusing on the elimination of waste and having a smooth workflow through a right process. Lean also enables the organization to improve performance.
Generally speaking, aims lean management to operate the most efficient and and effective organization as possible by having the least costs and zero waste. Thus, Lean should form part of a company wide strategy with the objective of decreasing its operating cost base and increasing market share (Wilson, 2010). Event though, Lean originates from manufacturing, the relevant principles are now increasingly being applied to the service sector (NIST, 2003).
The goal of research described application lean manufacturing to improving the manufacturing process on an assembly line in a car plant. Currently manufacturing process have so many disanvantagees,such as low efficiency, high cost, mass production quality is not stable, the accuracy is not high, and more labor and labor intensity,and these led to increased costs and less profit. Also sometimes the company cant achieve planned daily production target due to some activity wastes, which not added value to the production process.These are not conducive to the company’s future development. In order to make the company more competitive, company must have a new strategy to solve these problems. To achieve and sustain manufacturing excellence, you have to eliminate waste across your global production