
Leadership Manifesto

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Sarah-Jane Wilkinson
Management Theory in Practise
Sarah-Jane Wilkinson
Management Theory in Practise

LEADERSHIP 4 Leadership and Effective Leadership 4 The Relevance of Leadership in Today’s World 5
ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP 7 Entrepreneurship and its Relevance in Today’s World 7 Entrepreneurial Leadership and its Importance in Today’s World 7
MY LEADERSHIP STYLE AND OVERALL REFLECTION 10 My Experiences with Leadership 10 What Kind of Leader do I Want to be and Why? 13 How Best Can I Become a Leader 13


According to a number of different sources a …show more content…

Leadership and Effective Leadership

Leadership is defined in many different ways by many different academics and professionals. A few words that resonate with the meaning include management, control, guidance, headship, direction and governance. My basic definition for the word describes it as a technique used to manage and guide individuals or groups of individuals in a specific direction to achieve a common goal. However this is a bit too basic for my liking. While conducting the research for this manifesto I found two definitions that I thought were more interesting and quite charming. Tom Landry defines leadership as “getting someone to do what they don’t want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve” (Murphy, 2010). Alternatively Otto Scharmer stated, “at its core, leadership is about shaping and shifting how individuals and groups attend and subsequently respond to a situation” (Scharmer, 2007).

The two definitions demonstrate that there is much more to leadership than control and management. Effective leaders set strategies that include a mission to motivate the whole team and create a culture of people, passion and performance. Essentially they should want to build and maintain a well-balanced, mutually supportive and motivated team that will get the necessary results to achieve specific goals (Goleman, 2000).

There are a number of different leadership styles

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