Leadership is about effectively influencing people; an endeavor that can be very challenging at times even for the most qualified and experienced leaders. My time at the Eisenhower School has allowed me to read and assimilate vast amounts of information about leadership. The white space during the school year has facilitated reflection on the results of my executive assessment, seminar discussions, and the various leadership presentations from strategic leaders. As a result, I realize there are strategic leadership concepts I have already experienced and applied. Self-awareness by attaining understanding of my own personality is one of the most valuable lessons I have learned. Cognizance of my temperament’s tendencies and those of …show more content…
The SgtMaj of a unit typically has a good understanding of the command climate and culture especially as it pertains to the enlisted personnel. After hearing the SgtMaj’s assessment and perspective of the unit, I would then share with him my leadership framework. My goal is twofold, first to attain a solid understanding of where the SgtMaj believes the unit is and second to achieve the SgtMaj’s buy-in on my leadership framework. The second meeting would be with the unit Executive Officer (XO). The XO typically has a good vantage point over the staff, and subordinate units. The intent of this meeting is very similar to the meeting with the SgtMaj. After meeting with the XO, I would meet with the unit personnel in peer groups. In these meetings, I provide a brief on my leadership framework and end with an opportunity for the participants to ask any questions. The groups are organized as follows: field grade officers, company grade officers, Staff NCOs, NCOs, and E-3s and below. The goal of meeting the personnel in this setting is to facilitate the expression of any concerns without individuals’ seniors or subordinates present. After meeting with the peer groups I would then meet with each and every staff member that I am either a primary or secondary evaluator for. The individual meetings with the staff are for soliciting perspective and input about the unit. After meeting with all the staff, I would meet with all the
1. The purpose of this counseling is to provide you with the information about my philosophy on leadership, standards and expectations. I have tremendous expectations of you as a Motor sergeant in this company. I am confident that you will not have any difficulty implementing and accomplishing what is expected as long as we work together as a team. Always remember, there is no “I” in “TEAM”! As a leader, I owe you the opportunity to perform to the best of your abilities. By the same token, I will not do your job for you. Always do what is right not what is
In addition to meeting with the UMTs, we also meet with the Command teams and bring any issues to their attention.
Leading from the front is the best way to implement Commander 's intent. According to The Army Doctrine Reference Publication 6-0, “The Commander drives the operations process through Understanding, Visualizing, Describing, Directing, Leading and Assessing the operational environment” Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP 6-0, pg. 1-4) (2012). The Command Sergeant Major and Sergeant Major both echo the Commanders directives in driving the operational environment. The Command Staff is to provide timely and effective reporting to the Commander providing a more in-depth analysis. As a senior NonCommisioned Officer (NCO) representing the command, the Sergeant Major (SGM) has high regard with Unit command and subordinate unit Soldiers. The SGM has influence in the Command Staff to drive and verifying timeliness of staff reporting. I will support Mission Command using my influence as a Sergeant Major in planning, problem-solving, assessing, motivating, and echoing the commander’s intent throughout the command.
APD 6-22 defines a leader as anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. As a “street to seat” guy I do not have prior leadership experience as an NCO, but as I have progressed as a Warrant Officer I have learned a great deal about leadership. For this discussion post I will discuss two topics: what I’ve learned about being a leader as a Warrant Officer, and how decentralized leadership is utilized in my unit.
As part of leadership, the mentoring program must be implemented across the squadron as a great tool to counsel, coach, look after the welfare of, and ensure Marines accomplish the mission in support of commander’s vision and expectations of teamwork, leadership, and communication. Also, a Values-Based Leadership Integration (VBLI) program will be incorporated into small-unit leadership. The VBLI is a good tool in that it improves communication skills of each Marine during a guided discussion as well as builds and sustains trust and loyalty between subordinates and leaders. Overall, making ever Marine relate better to the commander’s vision and expectations.
Leadership development in the military is critical to its mission and objectives. Understanding and embracing leadership will foster an agile culture and facilitate attainment of strategic goals. People desire quality leadership to assist with achieving their goals, albeit personal or professional development. Having a clear vision and the motivation to perform at high-levels influences others to work synergistically together to achieve organizational goals. Insomuch, employees value being treated respectfully, fairly, and ethically. Leaders serve people best when they help them develop their own initiative and good judgment, enable them to grow, and help them become better contributors.
Throughout my time as a young adult I have had countless amounts of people tell me that they see me as a leader. They told me that I have the traits and the skills of someone who can have success in leadership positions. Truthfully, I never really understood what they meant. I knew that I was a good public speaker, but I never really understood what else I had. In high school I was always put in leadership positions whether it was an officer of the National Honor Society or captain of my sport teams, but I never really understood what drove me to attain those positions. I continued my quest for leadership positions in high school with every student organization I joined. Whether it was Pi Kappa Phi fraternity or Dance Marathon I felt the need to prove to others that I can more than just a member, but a leader. It wasn’t until I took this class that I truly understood what made me a leader. Because of this class I was able to better understand what are my leadership traits, my leadership styles, and how I use those in order to attain and succeed in leadership positions. Throughout this paper I will explain how Career Leadership Academy allowed me to realize what made me a leader and analyze the ways to improve at my future leadership positions.
As an officer in the United States Army, it has been imperative for me to understand every facet of leadership and why it remains important to be an effective leader. During this course, I have learned some valuable lessons about myself as a leader and how I can improve on my leadership ability in the future. The journal entries along with the understanding of available leadership theories have been an integral part of my learning during this course. For all of the journals and assessments that I completed, I feel it has given me a good understanding of my current leadership status and my future potential as a leader. All of the specific assessments looked at several areas in regards to leadership; these assessments covered several
Independent of the Army and country you serve, leadership is always an important subject. There are many civilian books and military manuals talking about leadership. The United States Army divides the subject leadership in three levels. These levels are Direct Leadership, Organizational Leadership, and Strategic Leadership. In this paper, the focus will be only about the first two levels. According with you rank, you will work more in one of these levels. Because of that, most part of time there is not much interaction between higher-level leaders and lower level leaders. Despite the limited interaction between higher level leaders like Brigade commanders with the lower level leader like company commander it’s not affect a satisfactory mission accomplishment.
Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal. The article “Leadership That Gets Results” by Daniel Goleman is an article that helps readers understand that there is not only one way of becoming a successful leader. Research indicates that leaders with best results do not rely on only one leadership style. Goleman, describes leaderships styles as array of clubs in a golf pro’s bag. Over the course of the game, the pro picks clubs based on the demands of the shot. Thinking is involved during the selection, but usually it is automatic. The pro is aware of the challenge ahead, quickly utilizes the right tool, and puts it to work. It has also been found that emotional intelligence
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a brief synopsis of the leadership philosophy of Second Lieutenant Joshua Dunn.
The questions regarding what makes a great leader, are they born that way, is there certain behaviors that can be taught, and can one switch from one style of leadership to another, are addressed from multiple perspectives. Three main schools of thought, trait theory, behavioral theory and contingency theory, work to explain the social phenomena of leadership. Though they pull from psychological theories, they each contribute valuable pieces that strives to solve the riddle of what makes or constitutes a great leader. However, this riddle may be far less complex, as John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” (Adams,
Before this class, I had a very primitive and vague definition of leadership. Not only did I define it as per my views and ideologies, but I also said that each individual has their own definition of leadership. My initial belief was that leadership does not have a clear cut definition, but there were well defined leadership traits which made an individual. I also initially believed that personal traits did not translate into leadership traits with no strong correlation. After going through the various modules this class offered, it is safe to say that I have significantly redefined leadership and underwent a strong personal assessment. This paper talks what I took back from each of the class activities, assignments and how my self-assessment compares to the perception of others.
Provide information and solicit feedback using a round-the-table approach to hear, briefly, from each person.” ("8 assuring effective communications," 2013) Separating the employee meetings by department to figure where most of my attention needs to be directed to. I would start with employees that worked under the education and training manager that was fired by Dr. John Smith. Many employees revered the manger, and they held his firing very close to there hearts. Then work from there to the other departments to help me understand were the frustration for the Dr. Smith is coming from. After, conducting the department meetings gathering what information, I could figure which employees are the ones with most concerns. Setting up meetings with those employees on an individual basis to help me gather important details, helping me to get a better understanding.
"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." Dwight D. Eisenhower This quote from Eisenhower rings true on many levels. During my career in the military and the private sector, I have been subjected to many different styles of leadership, good or bad. In my leadership roles I have attained, I tried to model leadership abilities by taking bits and pieces of previous leader’s styles and forming them into my own model. This has proven to work well as dealing with people from all different walks of life there is no one size fits all approach. In writing this paper, I will detail my own leadership platform drawing from the course material and various other sources. The goal of this paper is to show a solid understanding of the course teachings and perhaps give the reader a new found perspective on leadership.