Law Enforcement Officers have quite a challenge in today’s modern times. They require patience, discipline, morals to differentiate right from wrong, and the intellect and mental agility to make life or death decisions in mere seconds. It is also imperative of them to have effective interpersonal skills to interact with a variety of different people with different outlooks on society. The attitude today towards Police Officers along with the technology to record everything sets a lot of restrictions on how an Officer can conduct themselves without causing offense, or worse yet, putting themselves in danger for their life or career. By applying Biblical belief and principles, it sets a common ground most all people can relate to, which in turn, has the possibility to deescalate a situation before it gets out of hand.
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The story of Adam and Eve describes how man was created in the image of God and how man was deceived by the Serpent. Eve was manipulated to think that eating fruit would not cause the repercussion that she originally anticipated. Eve’s actions in essence was the first sin, and even though the first sin was brought upon through deception, Eve was still held accountable for her …show more content…
To show the community that you are a Child of God and you are willing to apply your Christian faith towards others shows compassion, and humility. I look forward to the day when I earn my degree and transition from the Military to start my new found path as a Police Officer that I can use my Christian faith and my new found knowledge from this course to set the example, be a role model to our younger generation, and make my surrounding community a better
The book of Genesis records the creation of the world and everything in it, as well the early relationship between God and humanity. God creates man, Adam, “from the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2:7) and places him in a paradise on Earth called the garden of Eden, where he also places the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From the man, God creates a woman and tells them that they “may freely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil [they] shall not eat, for in the day that [they] eat of it [they] shall die (Genesis 2:16). Despite this warning, the woman, Eve, is eventually tempted to eat the fruit of the treat and convinces Adam to do the same, causing them to be cast out of the garden. Although Adam and Eve do have free will to do what they
However, the Lord felt that Adam needed a partner to suit him. This is when God took the rib from Adam and made the woman. Thus, Adam and Eve were the first humans created on the Earth. Little did they know that temptation would face them. Temptation would come through the Serpent and deceive Eve first. The serpent was very crafty in his language by questioning God. Eventually the serpent persuades Eve to eat the fruit to be knowledgeable of good and evil. Later, Adam is deceived by watching Eve eat from the forbidden tree. They both partake in eating what God has told them not to eat. God finds out that they have disobeyed him and creates hostility between the man and woman. Since Adam and Eve became knowledgable after eating the fruit, they realized their nakedness. Although God shows his anger towards Adam and Eve, he clothes them with garments of skins. Through these chapters we see a just, but loving
Have you ever sat back and thought of the multiple different people that need the criminal justice professionals? A lot of people think that the police, child protection and probation officers are a waste of time but they actually save lives. Adolescents who can no longer live with their parents are placed in others home until it is safe to go back home, homeless people without homes are placed in shelters as well as women that are abused in domestic violence situations. People from every walk of life, race and culture experience these situations. People within the criminal justice profession protect these individuals and help them find a way out of the environment they are in.
Police “officers work and live in a constantly changing environment in which they are exposed to a myriad of ethical conflicts. When either unprepared or unaware, police officers are more likely to “go with the flow” than they would be if they were adequately prepared to face potentially ethical risks.” (Gilmartin & Harris, 1998) Most ethical violations are committed because the officer is exposed to a situation in which he was inadequately prepared. The lack of time to think about the situation before committing an ethical violation has detrimental life changing consequences. Police work can be very exciting and very rewarding but if not properly prepared and trained an officer can easily find himself involved in an ethical violation. Understanding the issues and being mentally prepared will help police officers become more responsible and make better
How does the ability to conduct legal searches differ between the police officer, probation officer, and corrections officer in the performance of their duties? There are vast and simiular reasons that all of these officers have to conduct legal searches.
To “protect and serve” is the number one duty of law enforcement. According to Schmalleger (2011), it is important as a police officer to understand and respect the different habits,
Officers in correctional facilities are included as being a part of every state's law enforcement endeavors. The federal government utilizes different sorts of law implementation specialists all authorizing laws and approaches set up at the most elevated amount of government (Walker & Katz, 2012). This can include special agents and support staff for the various federal agencies like the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). They do not enforce local or even state laws; however they do provide these jurisdictions with assistance along the way of significant criminal activity within the area. Government prosecutors frequently organize the endeavors of operators from a few offices on the double to construct
Most police officers are just trying to protect and serve — they would never consider discriminating against another person due to their race, and they try to responsibly deescalate situations whenever possible instead of resorting to violence. However, there are problems endemic to law enforcement culture, and many institutionalized problems that affect the work police do. No matter how good a police officer tries to be, it’s hard to make the world a better place while working from within an imperfect system. Law enforcement is something society will always need, and we are grateful to those who protect and serve, but the current system has issues it needs to address.
According to the Genesis in the Hebrew bible, the story of Adam and Eve in books 1-4 eating from the tree of knowledge was considered a sin, but after a close analysis of the story perhaps eating from the tree of knowledge only opened up Adam and Eves eyes to see the world for what it truly is. The serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit, and later Eve convinced Adam to follow in her footsteps. From this act the Lord God Punished Adam, Eve, and the serpent. Their disobedience was the first sin committed by the first humans, but why was the Lord God being so overprotective of both Adam and Eve? Was finding out the truth of the world . Was eating from the tree of knowledge a good or an evil act? And Why was the punishment that the Lord God implemented on Adam, Eve, and the serpent harsh? Adam and Eve committed the first sin but through their sin or mistake the human race has accomplished great success.
The American people are protected by the tireless efforts of wonderful police officers across the nation. From large metropolitan areas to small departments with a couple of officers, men and women have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving the American people. The American police force is made up over 1 million personnel and the actions of a few overshadow the outstanding acts or heroism made every day by police officers across the nation. News that goes viral about police officers usually involves egregious acts that embarrass the force however kind acts out of the love in these officers happens 100 times more. A NYPD officer, who didn’t know he was being watched, stopped and talked to a homeless man one cold night. He went and
The story of original sin takes place in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve are the only humans on earth at the time God tells them that they could eat from any tree in the garden except one. After a serpent tricked them
Instead of telling God the truth, Adam started blaming Eve because he ate from the tree Life and the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Eve blamed the serpent, so God punished both Adam and Eve.
New officers need to know that no profession demands a higher ethical standard than law enforcement. Whether or not there are other careers that require a similar dedication to doing the right thing, it is undeniable that there is a tremendous degree of expectations placed upon police officers. Every officer knows, or at least should know by now, that they live in a fishbowl. Friends, relatives, neighbors and strangers watch every move law enforcement officers make, both on and off duty. The fact is that the public scrutinizes police officers more than most other professions, either because they are cynical or hope to catch them screwing up or because they are hopeful
Abuse by police officers and officers in penal institutions is a big subject in the media now. Turn to a news station and the chances of seeing at least on case are pretty high. The most unreported incidents, however, is actually assault on police officers and corrections officers. The media does not report these issues nearly as much as it tries to portray officer assault on criminals. Why is it that the media covers up the big issue of officer assault and reports the “innocent” criminals being assaulted? When the media is trying to scare someone they don’t say criminals are bad, instead, make it seem like the selfless officers risking their lives are the bad guys and use it as a scare tactic to create distrust and panic in the public.
Professions are guided by codes of ethics to aid them in performance of their duties and to ensure maintenance of high standards of conduct. Police officers are faced with a maze of obligations in the performance of their official duties. The “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics” and “Canons of Police Ethics” were created to make explicit the conduct considered appropriate for police officers and to guide them in the performance of their duties. Although police have these guides, many are faced with ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas. This mean the officer is challenged to make a decision which sometimes conflicts with societal and personal ethical morals and values and provide no