
Law Enforcement Officers

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Law Enforcement Officers have quite a challenge in today’s modern times. They require patience, discipline, morals to differentiate right from wrong, and the intellect and mental agility to make life or death decisions in mere seconds. It is also imperative of them to have effective interpersonal skills to interact with a variety of different people with different outlooks on society. The attitude today towards Police Officers along with the technology to record everything sets a lot of restrictions on how an Officer can conduct themselves without causing offense, or worse yet, putting themselves in danger for their life or career. By applying Biblical belief and principles, it sets a common ground most all people can relate to, which in turn, has the possibility to deescalate a situation before it gets out of hand.
Theology …show more content…

The story of Adam and Eve describes how man was created in the image of God and how man was deceived by the Serpent. Eve was manipulated to think that eating fruit would not cause the repercussion that she originally anticipated. Eve’s actions in essence was the first sin, and even though the first sin was brought upon through deception, Eve was still held accountable for her …show more content…

To show the community that you are a Child of God and you are willing to apply your Christian faith towards others shows compassion, and humility. I look forward to the day when I earn my degree and transition from the Military to start my new found path as a Police Officer that I can use my Christian faith and my new found knowledge from this course to set the example, be a role model to our younger generation, and make my surrounding community a better

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