
Bible Chapter Summaries

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1. Chapters one through three of Genesis are very historic in the Bible. I know the whole Bible is historic, but the first chapters of Genesis are essential to Christianity. These chapters touch base on the six days of creation, the things that are on the Earth today, and how sin entered the world. In chapter one, God is the supreme creator of the Heavens and Earth. The Earth today is inhabited by the human race, but before creation is was surrounded in darkness. The first thing God did was create light and separate it from the darkness. God was developing the Earth day to day by adding creatures, plants, food, etc. Eventually in six days,the Earth was finished in the sight of God. Although, something was still missing from God's view. The …show more content…

However, the Lord felt that Adam needed a partner to suit him. This is when God took the rib from Adam and made the woman. Thus, Adam and Eve were the first humans created on the Earth. Little did they know that temptation would face them. Temptation would come through the Serpent and deceive Eve first. The serpent was very crafty in his language by questioning God. Eventually the serpent persuades Eve to eat the fruit to be knowledgeable of good and evil. Later, Adam is deceived by watching Eve eat from the forbidden tree. They both partake in eating what God has told them not to eat. God finds out that they have disobeyed him and creates hostility between the man and woman. Since Adam and Eve became knowledgable after eating the fruit, they realized their nakedness. Although God shows his anger towards Adam and Eve, he clothes them with garments of skins. Through these chapters we see a just, but loving …show more content…

There is much information regarding chapter twelve through fifty of Genesis. I am going to mention what most of the chapters is comprised of. I felt that a big portion of the chapters discussed the importance of Abraham. Abraham was a man married to a woman named Sarai, who both lived in Haran. Even though Abraham was a good person, he was still without a child. One day God spoke to him and told him to get ready to leave. The Lord was going to direct Abraham to the land promised to him. Later in time, Abraham was sitting outside on a dark night. The Lord appeared to him and promised him a reward. The reward would be that he would have a son. By having faith in God's greater plan, Abraham would have a great reward. In addition, God promised Abraham that he would be a father of many nations and have numerous descendants. Later, Abraham told his wife that she would have a child. Sarah wondered how a woman of her age could conceive a child. One today would probably think having a child at that age is impossible. Abraham tried relentlessly to tell Sarah that she would conceive a child. Sarah chose disbelief instead of trusting in God's plan. Eventually, Abraham chose to have a child with Hagar. Hagar was a servant who gave birth to a son named Ishmael. Through Ishmael, there would be a line of descendants. Later in time, God spoke to Sarah and specifically told her she would have a son. She began to laugh and not trust in the Lord. God told Sarah that she would name her son

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