
Lauren Kavanaugh Adoption Essay

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April 12th of 1993, Sabrina and Bill Kavanaugh would soon adopt a newborn baby girl , Lauren, from Barbara Calhoun. Eight months into the adoption process, Barbara called the Kavanaughs, concerning Lauren. She wanted her back. Of course, Sabrina had every right to question why her birth mother wanted her back, but Calhoun was only agitated from the amount of money that was already spent on Lauren. The Kavanaughs’ lawyer unintentionally failed to file paperwork to contradict Barbara’s parental rights during the adoption process. The adoptive parents had no choice but to return Lauren back to her mother. (“Lauren Kavanaugh ‘Girl in the Closet’ Tortured and Raped”) Sabrina confessed that she knew Barbara was going to abuse her, but there was no way to prevent it. Through Lauren Kavanaugh’s six year battle of abuse, her case was one of the worst to come out alive. Six years prior to Lauren’s rescuing, the young girl encountered obscene abuse from her mother and stepfather. Barbara and her husband, Kenneth, left her malnourished, and sexually abused by themselves, …show more content…

Atkinson’s mom was a 13 year-old schizophrenic drug addict when she gave birth to her. Growing up, she never had a stable until Doris and David Calhoun adopted her at age 4. Lollar’s testimony states, “You can only suspect what type of abuse was visited on Barbara at the hands of a known child molester. For the first three years of her life, she’d been shoved around from place to place, neglected to the max, abused.” Brad Lollar almost ridicules an eight year-old little girl’s circumstances. In Barbara’s trial, he makes excuses for her as if Lauren’s treatment is somewhat acceptable. Barbara’s psychologist validated that she suffered from a borderline personality disorder. It was said that her disorder was to blame for Lauren’s conditions. (Farwell) Young Lauren was Barbara’s excuse for their family’s

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