
Later Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Doesn't it ever bother you or make you wonder how you fell asleep the night before? It’s an odd thing isn't it. You lay down shut your eyes and when you open them it's morning. Almost half your life you spend sleeping. It's like a fight. You get up preparing to battle through the day. A day that's always slightly different to the next. You never know what to expect, what curve ball the day's gonna throw at you. Then, then you have a break before you get up and fight the day again. A fight: “struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent.” The struggle to overcome. To overcome that restless feeling. Restless because of the silly little crease in the curtain that keeps picking at of your mind until finally you have to get up. Pull the curtain shut so the small light shining through it has gone. …show more content…

To overcome the fear that you may never fall asleep. No matter how hard you try it is impossible. Sleep refuses to accept your invitation and forces you to lay there. Lay there until your eyes can’t take it anymore. Still in fear that when you open them again nothing would have

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