
Language Techniques In Away By Michael Gow

Decent Essays

Away, despite its historical setting is able to speak to modern Australian audiences an example of this is how Shakespeare links into the concept of Away the play. Written by Michael Gow who wrote this play in 1986. Language devices and techniques will be discussed as well as grief from the loss of a family member or close friend and how that causes conflict between characters and the structure of the play. Language devices and techniques are used throughout the play to create a wider understanding of the text. Symbolism is a technique, a symbol used in Away was the storm which is a symbol for the healing power of nature, which is why Gow uses light and the outdoors for the rest of the play after the storm. Furthermore, the symbolism between Coral and Roy are the sea shells when she offers them to Roy it is a symbol of forgiveness and when Meg brings her suitcase is what symbolizes her and Gwen's arguments coming to an end. Shakespeare techniques are used throughout the play as Tom opens the play in a play of Midsummer Night’s Dream and ends with Tom in the play King Lear. Coral uses plenty of future tense in her speech which is evident in Act two page 19 where she says “I’ll be good! I’ll improve. Watch me get better.” This is just one example of coral using future tense this means vagueness of giving her word to doing something that she might not …show more content…

There are 5 acts of a play about the lives of three families who take a trip ‘away’ for the summer holidays. Away is structured by two Shakespeare plays as it begins with Tom and the ending lines from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and finishes with Tom and the beginning lines from King Lear. Michael Gow came up with away whilst he was performing in King Lear because of that, this is why there are so many Shakespeare related ideas throughout Away. Away is very sophisticated and uses the technique of ‘a play within a play’ because of Michael Gow Shakespearean

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