What is language?
As human’s, language is use to communicate, it can be used as a verbal tool, or written down to create a more physical approach in conveying information. The world has become digital and language is evolving; humans are able to interact with each other from opposite sides of the world, but have the simulation that they are talking face- to- face. To understand how far language has come, from oral language to the written word, we need to investigate the different aspects of it. Language can be described in three main ways. Clark (1996, cited in Gee & Hayes, 2011, p.6) called it a 'cognitive phenomenon, and talks of it as being the way we think or something that is in our heads. The second view of language is that it can
Have you ever wondered how we speak? How about why our communication is considered a language and other animal’s communication is not considered language? A wide range of beliefs exist on what defines language. Thus, by exploring the definition of language and lexicon, evaluating language’s key features, the four levels of language structure and processing, and the role of language in Cognitive Psychology, an understanding of what language is becomes clear. Let us begin by defining language and a term named lexicon.
Language is a universal vital tool that not only facilitates the ability to communicate thoughts and ideas, but also establishes relationships and cultural ties. Researchers Steven Pinker and Paul Bloom claims that a series of calls or gestures evolved over time into complex communication and language in the modern form. The evolution of language is a complex interaction of biological and cultural changes. Gee (2011) confirms the evolutionary adaptation theory with language as a communal resource and all human language developed from one original language, in oral form (p. 8). Over time, humans use the ability to encode and decode spoken, written, signed or gestured information to convey meaning. The positive or negative information is received in different forms through a single or combination of sensory channels, for
Language can be defined as a means of communication through spoken sounds, written symbols, or hand and body gestures. Subject to this simple definition language is neither human nor animal exclusive, meaning that all living creatures use some form of language to communicate. Humans have created the most advanced system of language. Human language has advanced to include listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and visual representation. These components are known as the six language arts and while they are individual components they are as well interdependent. What you learn about one affects what and how you learn about the others.
Too view language as if it were an object devoid of its social context would not be seeing language for its creation and use, language is used at its full potential when spoken, language is so important to humans, we use language to express, to think and communicate within the world we live. Language has changed over time, it is thought that at one time we had one original language that was spoken, and “as different human groups spread across the world and communicated only with each other, the original language changed in different ways in different places” (Gee, P,. & Hayes, E. (2011). pg 8), because of these changes, and socialisation of different humans, we now have many diverse human languages. Language has changed and will continue to
Language is an important component in discussing cognitive psychology. There are many different aspects to language that can be broken down to better understand its functions. Language can be defined as “An organized way to combine words to communicate” (O’Brien, lecture notes 2014). In addition language is a communication system that is unique to humans. It is also something that is learned as opposed to being biologically inherited (O’Brien, lecture notes, 2014).
The Effect of Language on Perception Language: Language is defined as any body which can be written, spoken, or otherwise communicated between individuals and/or groups. Taking this definition into account, language is not specific to human beings. Animals are also affected by a form of language. Body language is also a notable form of communication. It is a member of the type of language communicated via implication.
Language is a cognitive function that most of us take for granted. It starts from early on, some say at conception, and it develops in complexity as we get older. It is an essential part of communication and without it its development would be greatly hindered. This natural process requires complex structures and reasoning, the bringing together of sounds and words to develop concrete ideas and thoughts. In this paper we will discuss the components of language and how it relates to cognitive processes.
Besides writing or speaking, we can also use body language, hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate. Language these days is not only using oral and written skills, it has expanded to the use of technology, through email, texting, skype, music and video clips. Different styles of writing such as essays, reports, narratives, recounts, reviews, plays and diaries allow us in different contexts to express an opinion, feelings, tell a story or show points of view. This is particularly useful when spoken language is not appropriate or available, due to disability, setting or culture.
Language is the art of communication. Through language we communicate emotions, knowledge and ideas with each other. Language can be both verbal or symbolic. Language can have a strong influence on our perceptions and how we view each other. In this essay I’m going to talk about how the way words are communicated can affect their perceived meanings.
Prior to this unit of Language and Literacy, my understanding of the term language was limited. I have gained insight that language and communication not only can be spoken but also can be physical. When the topic of language was studied further, I was introduced to new concepts and meanings of language. Particularly, body language where humans communicate first with their body and decide by the physical signals presented on whether they are a friend or enemy, for instance in the video presented it was specified that upon meeting one another we see their suitability or if they are ‘like us’. Furthermore, the assessing of body language links back to the evolutionary progression of our psychology, one which still influences our daily interactions
Language is something that we need and use for everything in our lives. Language is, “a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited.” (O’Neil, 2006). Language is communication that is either written down or spoken in words or sentences. We need to have a good understanding of language to learn, work and for our normal lives. You need to know language to be able to communicate with other people. Language has structure and meaning, for example words and sentences. Language also had tone, pitch, pace and volume. There are several types of language, receptive language, expressive language, emergent language. Receptive language is how you receive and understand language and expressive language is how
Linguistics has impacted cognitive psychology as the quest to understand language acquisition and the structure of language itself is undertaken. Linguistics is a complex and multifaceted; it includes language structural patterns and language development (Barsalou, 2005). The process of language development is complicated and dense, as the study of language is examined; the role of cognition is inherently examined and analyzed. Sternberg (2006) also explores language as an innate process and presents the idea that humans are born ready for language as a biological and cognitive process.
It would not be out of place to mention that English is the most widely understood language in the world and consequently most developed. It has about 750000 words although the exact number keeps fluctuating as words are added and go out use almost simultaneously. According to Albert Meharbian, the average proportions of different types of communications are: Words (verbal communication)=07% tone, pitch of the sound (vocal communication)=38%, non-verbal communication (body language)=55%. And also it has advantages and disadvantages.
The language is the main communication channel for the human species. As humans are social beings, thorough understanding of the language is essential for coherent and correct communication that can lead to good, clear transmission of ideas, meanings and subtle nuances the way people intend to. In former times, humans relied on symbols and drawings to make their messages known, their system of communication being quite rudimentary compared to what we have today, when the language has seen an accelerated development and has grown into such broad directions that people cannot even possibly know the entire array of meanings and significations. In the following, the paper will go through a list of words, trying to explain what they mean and give examples of their uses.
However language and thought are connected. We have a subdiscipline for that, called psycholinguistics. This subdiscipline is concerned with the relation of cognition and language.