
Laney On The Youngest Child

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First, an article by the Huffington Post mentions that the youngest child is the “life of the party”. Parents are already confident in raising a child that when the youngest is born, parents are more likely to be more lenient and not pay as much attention to you compared to your older sibling. Research also says that the youngest has more freedom, and is not necessarily expected to do anything (Gross, 2013). What actually occurred in this family is exactly what research says. Laney has always been the outspoken one within the family, and when growing up she always got what she wanted. Over the years, she shows the personality of a youngest child with relying on parents, and letting her sister have more control. Thirdly, what was hypothesized …show more content…

When she got to the hospital there was no doctor there to deliver her baby. With that being said, she had to wait for the on-call doctor to arrive, which resulted in a difficult time before delivering her baby. Once the doctor did get there, the birthing process went very quick and easy. Laney was a very late talker, she did not start talking until she was 3 years old, and even then had to go to speech therapy to pronounce her words. First, American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association gives many reasons for why some children do not speak until a later age, or have problems with pronunciation. One reason that stood out was called selective mutism. Selective mutism is a condition where a child does not speak in a certain situation, even if expected to answer. This usually occurs before the age of 5. Also, anxiety and social phobias are linked to this disorder. Selective mutism can be treated with the help of a speech pathologist. They usually introduce a behavior treatment that includes stimulus fading, shaping and self-modeling (ASHA, 2016.) Second, Laney did go to a speech pathologist because she would not talk and was excessively shy. Laney’s mom also had difficulties growing up with being shy and not being able to be a social person. A reason for Laney to have the same problem could have been influenced by her mom. By not pushing Laney to talk and be social with others, could have led to her shyness. Over the course of going to a speech pathologist, Laney did better with speaking and pronunciation with her words. Overall, this was something that would fade over time. Third, what was hypothesized is what actually happened. She was very shy and kept to herself, because of this Laney went to preschool twice so she did not miss out. Laney’s health was normal and no known illnesses affected her. It was in this stage that Laney had a couple of traumas. She fell down the stairs more than once, which resulted in

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