
Lance Armstrong Masculinity

Satisfactory Essays

Lance Armstrong who lied to everyone for over a decade about doping and other performance enhancement drugs he used over the years. All his awards, medals and other titles he earned over the decade was voided. The most accurate description of how horrible Lance Armstrong is being descripted best by Piers Morgan in the Best Guardian; when Piers Morgan compared Lance Armstrong to Lord Voldemort. JK Rowling described Voldemort as ‘A raging psychopath, devoid of the normal human responses to other people’s suffering. A sadist with no conscience, no remorse; he does not recognize need for human companionship or friendship, and cannot comprehend love or affection for another. He’s incredibly power-hungry. If he looked in the mirror, he would see himself, all …show more content…

Besides manipulating his fans, team, family; he tainted the sport that he claimed to love. He ruined the reputation of the sport for everyone around the world for money.
Not only he is a vile human being; but he is a horrible sportsman. Generally most people will agree that a good sportsman plays fair, adheres to rules, shows kindness towards their opponents, and they are often humble. However, Lance Armstrong posses none of these qualities of a sportsman. Therefore, we must erase Lance Armstrong from all of the sport history. He doesn’t deserve fame or should be banned from speaking in media and should spend rest of his life in exile.
The reason I’m being so harsh is because as a kid and growing up you look up to the best sport players in their respective sports. If this is the kind of person kids are looking up to what kind of world are creating. What type of leadership standards are we setting for ourselves and for the future generation? We should do better and we should stop vile human beings like Lance Armstrong and Alex Rodriguez. They are so horrible they don’t even deserve to be called

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