
Lady Macbeth Is Weak Essay

Decent Essays

In the book Macbeth, Lady Macbeth often talks about strength and how being strong means being able to kill without feeling bad, or have emotions like compassion, get in the way. She will often try to manipulate Macbeth into thinking this way too by calling him a women and weak whenever he feels guilty, even though it is seen in the end, she is not that cruel herself. The reason it could be believe that lady Macbeth is less cruel than macbeth is because, Even though she claims to be Ruthless and shames Macbeth for feeling Remorse, in the end the torment of her own guilt is what drives her mad.

To make herself appear strong, Lady Macbeth will often talk about the barbarous acts she would do. She will also often do this to guilt macbeth for feeling weak, so before killing Duncan, when Macbeth starts to back out, Lady Macbeth talks about how strong she is to shame Macbeth back into it.
“I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me.
I would, …show more content…

This is a metaphor for the guilt she is feeling over killing duncan. This lets us see that it is infact, she does feel guilt and fear over killing duncan, even though she shames macbeth for it. Also when she says “One: two: why, then, 'tis time to do't” it’s like she’s telling herself she can kill duncan it’s time now but, the way she’s counting it’s as if she has tried but can't bring herself to actually kill. In addition, “What we need to fear” seems rhetorical. She knows the answer is no one knows but it’s her own guilt that’s driving her mad and causing her to fear, not the idea that someone else knows . And finally when she says “Fie a soldier and afeard,” She is still mocking Macbeth for being afraid but I think she is doing it as a cover for her own fear. All there shows us her inner thoughts and how she really feels guilty and she even can't deal with it so much that she kills

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