
Lab Report On Photosynthesis

Good Essays

Erika De Jesus
BIO 111
Photosynthesis Lab

The purpose of this lab is to understand the process of photosynthesis and how sunlight effect has on it. To prove that in order for photosynthesis to happen light is needed, and to see if temperature has an effect on how fast or how slow photosynthesis happens.
My hypothesis is that the brightness of the light has an effect on the rate of photosynthesis. I think that the brighter the light is, the faster the rate of photosynthesis.
Baking Soda
A healthy fresh picked leaf or plant (i.e. Spinach)
Several small clear glasses or clear plastic cups
Desk Lamp
A bright lightbulb (100 watt)
A lightbulb with fewer watts (i.e. 60 watts)
Hole punch or plastic straw
Plastic Syringe (10 cc or larger)
Dish Soap
Methods (Procedures):
1. Prepare 300 ml of bicarbonate solution. (1/8 tsp of baking soda mixed with 300 ml of water)
2. Add 1 drop of dish soap to the solution.
3. Cut 10 uniform leaf disks using the straw or hole punch.
4. Remove the plunger from the syringe and put the leaf disks in the syringe barrel.
5. Put the plunger back into the barrel; be careful not to smash the leaf disks.
6. Insert the syringe into the bicarbonate solution and pull back on the plunger to get a small amount of the solution into the syringe.
7. Turn the syringe so that the needle is pointed upright, and tap the syringe so that the leaf disks are suspended.
8. Remove excess air from the syringe by pushing the plunger in until the bicarbonate solution is right at the end of the needle.
9. Create a vacuum effect by holding your thumb over the needle nose of the syringe and pulling back on the plunger. As you are doing this you will need to simultaneously GENTLY swirl the syringe.
10. Do this for about 10 seconds and then release the plunger and remove your finger from the needle nose. If your seal was created correctly (and you have enough dish soap in your solution) your disks will begin to sink.
11. Pour the disks and the solution from the syringe into a clear plastic cup.
12. Add more of the bicarbonate solution into your cup until you reach a depth of about 3 centimeters.
13. Put the cup under the desk lamp with the 100 watt lightbulb for

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