
Principles Of Professional Supervision In Health And Social Care

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LM2c: Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings. Unit ref M/602/3187 1. Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings. 1.1 Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision. Supervisions need to be on-going to be as effective as possible and gives the opportunity to reflect on the development of the staff member. It allows us to reflect and consider outside training for extra support and guidance and the opportunity to refresh skills. Supervisions help build relationships with the individual and improve their quality of work and to give support to their …show more content…

Stoltenberg and Delworth (1987) stated that there were 3 levels for the supervisee beginning-intermediate and advanced and within these levels were 3 processes self-awareness, motivation and autonomy. In short the supervisee is originally highly dependent upon the supervisor and through progression confidence in the supervisee’s abilities develop until they gain independence and accountability for their actions. Within this progression conflicts may occur between the supervisor and the supervisee as the relationship changes to that of a more equal footing. Stoltenberg and Delworth identified a further 8 growth areas from the 3 processes these are: intervention, treatment goals and plans, skills competence, assessment techniques, interpersonal assessment, client conceptualisation, individual differences and professional ethics. By the supervisee’s understanding their own strengths and areas needing growth and support, they can identify and initiate their own future learning development as therapists and supervisors. Integrative models This model combines a number of theories and models. Supervisors can incorporate different models to suit different scenarios with their supervisees. Bernard’s discrimination model (1979) identifies 3 key elements intervention, conceptualisation and personalisation and 3 possible supervisor

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