Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release
To know your audience would be an extremely significant mark at any time a company was to communicate material to a group or organization. Knowing your audience proves to be even more significant when a company has to deal with the outcome resulting from a disaster. The disaster of the Chilean copper mine in South America is one example of where knowing your audience was a very significant issue.
In a Chilean copper mine, a disastrous downfall in one of the shafts of the mine has left 33 miners trapped 310 meters (1017 feet) below the ground. The outcomes of the company and their reaction to the disaster would eventually define how the world, their audience, would see them. It
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One method would be a customary issue of information to everyone. This can also be deemed as a general blanket statement. A media release letting everybody know that all attempts to rescue the men from the mine are in progress is an example of a general blanket statement. Another method would be communications specific to the needs of each group. Speaking with the victim's love ones and letting them know if there has been any communication from the victims would be an example. With the information they have, the company should think through the information and let the appropriate crowd know about the information first. In this case, the victim's families would have been right of way number one in the distribution of information; they do not need to get an update on what was occurring on the television.
The best way to communicate to the families would be a face-to-face conference. This approach of communication let the family members know that they are significant in the circumstances. A telephone call would be considered soulless and can make a victim feel like he or she is not vital. When it comes to a face-to-face conference, the use of body language and tone of voice can express sympathy and care. The person delivering the news must also proceed in this way. The mining company found that dealing with the families was the difficult complication of the accident. The company soon discovered that many family members not even known to
6. What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most?
1. When communicating, messages must be appropriate to the needs of the audience, the subject and the
To the family of the trapped miners I would chose to use the face-to-face approach since such a sensitive matter at hand where their family member’s lives are at risk. The considerations that you need to keep in mind when addressing the family members is that many of them are going to be frightened and scared for the safety of their family members. You will want to have all your facts and be prepared to answer many difficult questions concerning the well-being of the miners and how long it is going to take to rescue them, as well as providing them with the facts about how this happened. A good thing to do in a situation like this is to offer
Select channels of communication – this would vary depending on the target audience. This could include press conference, fact sheets and public
Taking appropriate action could include: repeating the message; getting individuals to repeat the message; using alternative forms of communication; seeking and acquiring additional help from key people and/or others within and
Persuading an audience is not a simple feat to accomplish as some may think. In actuality, it forces people to look beyond themselves and their
Audience analysis is described as the process of examining information about your listeners. Then using that analysis helps you adapt your message so that your listeners will respond as you wish (Steven A. and Susan J. Beebe, 2015). It is highly important to read your audience when presenting a speech, the first thing I noticed about my classroom audience was everyone has a good sense of humor and were open minded as to what they might be hearing. In this paper I will be analyzing my classroom audience and describing how they might react to my speeches and what is the best way to present my speeches. I will discuss the differences between each person and how their views will shape my speeches as a whole because ultimately I must appeal to my audience.
Financial assistance would be the number one need, spiritual, and counseling to help them cope with the accident. The company must keep the families updated with the progression of the rescue mission. The representative must make sure the information that will be communicated to the families is current and correct. However, the President Sebastiàn Piñera took the initiative to use his communication skills to inform and to keep the miners' families, and the community at peace.
The audience size is the amount of spectators that are viewing or accessing the damaging material that increases the victim’s humiliation. When the victim notices a colossal amount of people viewing, it makes their situation even worse.
It is important that their knowledge of these events is raised so that in the unfortunate event of their falling victim to such an occurrence, they know exactly what type of action to take.
In reference to this element, Lindemann differentiates the terms by describing the reader as the person that deciphers a message while the audience is mentioned to be the target of a writing piece. In addition, Lindemann includes a broader definition of audience with the input of authors Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford. In general, I agree with Ede and Lunsford on the importance of the relationship between readers and writers. It is crucial for a writer to know his/her target before putting in paper a rhetorical piece. As Lindemann mentions, most of the students write their papers considering their teacher as their only audience. Therefore, I believe it would be a good practice to start imagining a broader audience to persuade with our writing assignments to acquire the skill of targeting different audiences to become better
PRIMARY AUDIENCE OUTCOME (I want my audience to…): I want my audience to gain knowledge so they themselves can use the information I presented to prepare for an earthquake.
One section from the reading talks about importance of understanding the audience broader goals, which is the most important in my perspective. the reading state that people are more concerned about their personal interest (Markel, 2012) which is true. In my example, I was sold a credit card by a sales agent that I did not want, I went home wondering how did I signed up for this card.
Analysis of the audience is an important part of the presentation of a speech that precedes the selection of a topic. This process requires asking specific questions regarding the topic in order to understand the interests, knowledge, and attitudes of the audience towards the topic. As part of adopting strategies and methods to ensure effectiveness of communication, analyzing the audience is vital for audience identification. Moreover, this process enables the speaker to choose the appropriate means of communication that ensures that the message is delivered appropriately. Analyzing the audience is also a vital point in speech presentation because of its impact on the direction of the speech.
Audience analysis is a task that is often performed by technical writers in a project's early stages. It consists of assessing the audience to make sure the information provided to them is at the appropriate level. Understanding our audience is one of the most important elements of effective communication. Considering your audience when creating a presentation can help you tailor your content to give them specifically what they want, need, and expect. By doing this you are able to deliver a presentation that engages, informs and persuades. One of the most important parts of your speech is to involve your audience. We should view our audience as collaborators. Keeping your audience in mind while you write can help you make good decisions about what material to include, how to organize your ideas, and how best to support your argument.