
King Tut Research Paper

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King Tut was a pharoh back in Ancient Egypt times. He wasn’t talked about much, until his tomb was discovered in 1939 because this discovery put another puzzle piece in the puzzle, but created many more missing pieces. At the end of all this, an army general, Horemheb erased everyones name and put his own there.

At this time erasing names from scrolls meaned that person never had exited, they were erased from history. King Tut’s dad, Akhenaten was a heritic king, the word heritic means “monthyistic” which means “The belive in one god” No one in Anceint Egypt belived in one god. The Egyptains were furious with Akhenaten and some people tried to kill him, but Akhenaten had a son, which is Tut. Something happens to Akhenaten and Tut

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