
King Herod's Major Building Projects What Impact Did They Have On Judean Society

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List Herod’s major building projects. What impact did they have on Judean society? These are some of the cities, palaces and fortresses, in which some are still standing that King Herod built; the fortresses at Masada, Antonia and Herodium, the port city of Caesarea, a huge edifice at the top of the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and the massive fortifications around Jerusalem as well as three towers at the entrance to the city (the remains of which are today erroneously named the Tower of David) and much more. King Herod invested in rebuilding old cities with the money he made from trade. One of his best accomplishments was the rebuilding of Strata’s Tower connected to an artificial deep water harbor, warehouses, and a city. He call it Caesarea which was his crowning achievement. Out of all his great achievements the greatest building enterprises was the reconstruction of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by expanding the second temple. The people would not let him tare down the temple until the completion of the second temple. King Herod trained prist to build the temple. This temple had a major impact on the juden society. Temple Mount became the most sacrate …show more content…

King Herod earned the name “Herod the Wicked” for his ruthless, villain ways. He would kill anyone he felt could take his status as the king of the Jews away from him including his own sons. He ordered the arrest of all men to stop them from being able to take his place. Herod did not like betrayal so I believe when he found out Jesus was gone and Joseph was pre warned his rage could of lead him to order the Massacre of the Innocents. He knew Jesus was born to be King of the Jews. The massacre is consistent with his character and actions which leads me to believe what the recorded Holy Scripture says in Matthew 2.. How does Herod understand power? Compare this to what Jesus says about power, using specific

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