As I progress with my studies at UoPeople, I can apply all the strategies depending on the subject or course. I prefer the read/write and kinesthetic learning styles because that is what I am comfortable using at this time. I learn best when I read and write things down on paper or on a computer. When I read an article or textbook I tend to highlight and underline text in order to retain the information and go back to it and review it. When necessary, I create an outline in order to study for an exam. It helps me organize my notes. Also, I like watching the video presentations that the Instructor assigns to our class in order to supplement our reading assignments. I replay the video a couple of times in order to understand the material and
Once a visual learner sees and understands what is being expected of them to understand, they sometimes will have to write or draw it. If they are writing or taking
According to VARK, my learning style is Kinesthetic. As a matter of fact, Kinesthetic learning style is a learning style in which I learn best with direct involvement. Furthermore, VARK states that my preferred learning style uses experiences and things that are real. Additionally, I would learn better using my senses, as in field trips, real life examples, or trial and error. Not to mention, one Houston College article states that I should make things with my studies for recall. Another suggestion, is that I write my answers down or prepare index cards.
Learning is so very important in every aspect of life. In this week's lesson, we found out that there are many ways of learning. In one of the tests, after answering the questions honestly, I learned I was a kinesthetic learner (Bethel University, 2013). Being a kinesthetic learner works extremely well in my career where all matters are hands on and one has to actively participate in learning new skills within a state penitentiary. My supervisor at work would be happy knowing I am a kinesthetic learner since he always questions why I excel in my job performance each and every year.
I think I am a kinesthetic learner which means I have to feel you learn or exercise to remember pe is easiest for me I always have to be moving to learn like if i am doing push ups I will remember 2x2 =4 I have trouble sitting in one place for too long I start squirming and moving.I need to learn how to learn to sit down and learn. I need something that will help me sit still and shut up because I need to try but for now I am okay with being kenith edic and I am going to learn to get a 1000 word essay done and feel good because I sat through it and got it done I try for complex sentences. I think it's easier for me If I get a good grade on school because i try my best to do what i do and dont give up on what I do best , exercised be ready
From doing the Learning Style Inventory, I learned that I learn better when I write things down and when I have a visual of the information I am learning. For my writing style way of learning, I found I should take notes. When the professors give us notes I should write them in my hand writing. I just need to be able to read my notes because I write so fast some times.
Since attending CCSU, I have evaluated many studying methods. I have used chucking, writing on a white board and making practice exams. However, time after time I noticed no progress in the many studying methods I used. On the other hand, during the fall semester of last year, I have found a two studying methods that works. The first one is writing my class material down while recording myself and the second method I found that works is using a whiteboard to practice key concepts and then writing them down.
Hi everyone! My name is Briana and I am an all around learner. I am mostly a Kinesthetic Learner, but also I can learn visually. I am also an auditory learner as long as what I am hearing interests me. Since I was younger, when I had to sit in class against my own will, I always learned better one on one or by doing things myself. If you show me once and let me do it my myself the next time I usually can get it down very quickly. I’ve never been good with lectures, the information hitting my face like water from a water hose is overwhelming and I usually never remember any of it. This always made me angry because that meant I always had to rewrite everything multiple times until it was tattooed in my brain.
The learning style I identified with is read/write. I basically learn things better by reading and writing things down. As you read and write things down it makes it easier for me to remember things better. If I continuously re-read things, I would remember them for a long time. And if I re-write things I’d be ably to remember it for a long time as well. Because I remember better if I read I always keep a highlighter near by because if I highlight something I know it’ll be important and it will make it easier for studying for test. Not only that, because I use different colored highlighters it makes me remember things more also. Yes, I did know that this was my preferred learning style before completing this assessment because,
Kinesthetic learners are the type of learners that are into hands on activities and learn best while moving and doing things while being taught. Many people all have different types of learning styles and I can say as a kinesthetic learner it can sometimes be difficult or rewarding to know the way you learn. When I took four different learning tests I found out that I am the type of learner that can learn in four different ways, and in all honesty I was quite surprised, so I had to do some research on the type of learning and find the one that fits me best. I then read through many different things and found out that I have similarities to all of the four types of learning so I had to look through a bunch
The way I learn is depending on the style of learning.I am mostly a visual and a tactile learner.As a visual learner I like mostly to read or see how its done.If I need anything explained I like to see a picture or imagine it how its suppose to be.When I want to take notes I need to see the board as notes written on it or a presntation explaning either steps or diractions or notes this will give me a better understanding.As a visual learner I like my things very organized and marked by any color or labeled or else it will make me feel very confused and irritated.An example of a visual learner if i need to get directions to a place i need things to be explained and descriped to me this way I can make it to the place i need to go to. On
An important component of the successful instruction in students is the use of personalized learning strategies that is characterized by a curriculum and instructional strategies that embed various techniques to help engage learners and improve the overall quality of instruction (Brand, Dunn, & Greb 2002). Kinesthetic learning and instructional strategies help to provide learners with the opportunity to learn by doing. Favre (2009) writes:
WOW! There has been many interesting stuff in my life and i am only in sixth grade. What you will learn about me is my goals. One of my goals are to get is to get really good at math. Next is reading because reading is awesome. I love reading and i want to get better at it.
For me, my personal leaning style is visual learning. I learn through the observation of diagrams, pictures and handouts etc. I like to highlight, underline the important points, use colour, use mind maps and I think of images and visuals to process information and prefer written assessments over verbal assessments. By knowing and understanding my personal learning style, this assists me when I am identifying, evaluating and selecting development opportunities and taking advantage of new learning opportunities that I will come across and will help in adapting to a new situation and new opportunity that may not be an advantage for my personal learning style but an opportunity to take that I would be willing to become competent in and adapt my
I can remember being in elementary school taking a test to see all the different learning styles that the class consisted of. After we had got the results back the teacher then proceeded to split us into three groups the visual, auditory, and tactile learners and whoever was in your group those were the people that shared a learning style. I was in the tactile (kinesthetic) group. I still believe that kinesthetic learning is still my main learning style to this day. Not only am I a kinesthetic learner I also relate to interpersonal learning, and linguistic learning.
According to the Learning Style Inventory my learning style is auditory with visual and kinesthetic coming in a tied at second place. I will use this information of my learning styles, to take advantage of the resources that are available online and on campus to be a motivated learner. My strategies are to use audio files as well as read material aloud when necessary, create study sheets with important highlighted information and take notes as I read assignments and other course material. These strategies fall in the auditory, visual and kinesthetic categories that will sure help me focus to stay on track in this new journey that is college. As I read and learn more about my learning styles, I will try to employ each technic that I learn.