
Kidney Stones

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Has your father ever had gout? If he has, he probably has also had kidney stones or Nephrolithiasis. Although gout may cause kidney stones, they do not cause the most common form of kidney stones, that title belongs to hypercalciuria. Hypercalciuria can form types of kidney stones like calcium oxalate, or calcium phosphate. Gout causes uric acid based kidney stones. Other forms of kidney stones are cysteine and struvite stones which are caused by various reasons. Struvite stones are caused by kidney infection and cystine stones are due to a common disorder. The disorder called cystinuria is the defect in transporting amino acids and causes too much cystine is in the urine. The more common types of kidney stones involve calcium. Hyperparathyroidism is when the gland over produces its hormone, parathyroid hormone (PTH), that will increase the amount of calcium in the blood. However, just calcium in the blood or in the urine will not cause kidney stones, they need oxalates or phosphates and must form in the kidneys. The reason I specify the kidneys is that if you consume calcium and oxalate together and they form in the stomach. They will be dissolved and are less likely to form stones. People with too much vitamin C, probably through a supplement, will have oxalate rich urine. …show more content…

Ketorolac decreases inflammation and aspirin will usually be used to counteract and help with the passage of the stone. Although, if those are used, a lithotripsy should avoided at the increased risk of bleeding. A lithotripsy is a procedure, in which shockwaves are used to break apart kidney stones into smaller pieces. Various factors may increase the passage of kidney stones such the size of the kidney stone, enlargement of the prostate, or pregnancy. Surgical techniques have been made to remove kidney stones whether through an incision, or by using a urethroscope to go up the urethra and bladder to the

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