
Khao Khaw Research Paper

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Khao Klong (Brown rice), or Khao Daeng (Red rice), coarse rice, or Anamai rice have more benefit than Khao Khaw. Brown rice has drab color that has more colored than Khao Khaw, so Brown rice is remove only rice husk that make rice germ and rice barn still remain. This section, which makes brown rice has more benefit than Khao Khaw. Brown rice have more Vitamin B1, Vitamin B-Complex, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Protein and Fiber than Khao Khaw and it also has Vitamin B2, Copper, and Niacin too.
In the same quantity, Khao Klong has more triple fiber than Khao Khaw. It has more quintuple Thiamine or Viamin B1, twice Riboflavin or Vitamin B2, triple Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E than Khao Khaw that remove rice husk, twice Pantothenic, triple Niacin.

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